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Showing posts from October, 2012

We're moving right along

Today I got a surprise ultrasound because my doctor couldn't get a good read on the heartbeat just listening to it. It was moving around too much!  I'm always thrilled to get a sneak peak look at what's going on inside of me. And my baby was just a twirling around. Sigh, I'm helplessly in love. Mr Smith wasn't there because today was the physical visit. Don't we just love those? I hate them. But it ended with my child's cute little fingers so I was somehow okay with it and apparently everything is just dandy with the mother (me).  I'm a lucky girl. I think Mr Smith was just a little jealous. He still tries to listen to it when he can. One more month and we'll get the good ultrasound visit. We're moving right along. However, because my doctor will be giving me my greatest joy (outside of marrying you my love), I should try and be less moody and impatient at my appointments. I just get all "I don't want to be here, can we wrap t...

I am very loved.

I came home today and my home smelled like lavender & peach blossom because my mother loves me and thought of the time I mentioned I want my apartment to smell nice when I walked in. So now it does. Mr Smith came home with his cold ears and he told me he didn't turn on the heat in his car until he almost got home. I asked him why and he told me it's because he wanted to know how cold I got when I couldn't turn on the heat in my car. The fan belt is making that annoying squeaky sound so I told him this morning I just turned it off and the noise stopped. He doesn't want me being cold. I am very loved. Today was lame when it comes to baby symptoms. I am not nauseated anymore, but I have constant saliva that makes me want to eat and never feel satisfied. I know my stomach is full, but my mouth is saying more, more, more! I still feel faint sometimes, my skin isn't getting worse, so I'm hoping it'll get better.  I still feel as if things are fair...

Little Lemon

How will I get pictures like this when I don't want anyone in the room but Mr Smith (unless he goes into a panic and insert mother here)? I'm not sure yet. Has anyone seen Mr Smith in a panic? That's what I thought, but there is a significant chance he could pass out, either from the blood or from me punching him in the face. And I definitely don't want that many photos, but I would like a few b&w ones. I really like the ones of just him & her before. And then I want some cute ones of the babe . . . when it's cleaned up. What is the likelihood of me taking those photos? I'm sure knowing me, I will be full of energy (sarcastic undertone). It'll be like an adrenaline rush and I'll be like - get me my camera. The parents are in town. Bring on the drama! And an excuse to eat out. Heck yes. Buffet anyone? Basically I want this picture . . . Does anyone else stress all the time wondering if their baby is okay? I would sit in front...

Orange & Yellow

I would like to say, thank you to October.  It's something in the atmosphere that gets you all giddy. And if you have Mr Smith with you, he'll tell you all about the types of trees and what's really happening to the leaves. My little science nerd is so smart. I love the color changes. I love the crisp, fresh air. I love the smell of the holidays! Jenny came to visit, and we were so excited to have her. She is really fabulous.  We also played frisbee golf. Mr Smith loves this game. Unfortunately, I'm all pooped out by the time hole 15 comes around and I feel like I take away some of Mr Smith's game with my slow decrease of enthusiasm. He's great though, and I really do like going to this park with him. 

Check Please

I would like to take the month off and sleep. Weird, that I had that chance for TWO.5 months, but didn't appreciate it and thought it was the biggest trial. Now I'm pregnant and work and feel like it's the biggest trial. Sigh. You can't stop the world . . . I guess not. Mr Smith is disappointed I just came home, pulled the clean plate out of the dishwasher, heated up leftovers for my self , and didn't put anything up. I can see why this would be frustrating . . . He doesn't really let it show though. Maybe that's why he goes to basketball, to let out all the built up aggression. I just want some Christmas lights, warm socks, the smell of pumpkin pie, & a good book by the fireplace. No expectations. Well, I'm just going to take one big guess and assume that's why I'm not here. That's a little too close to heaven to be earthly. Mr Smith says my stomach sounds like someone swimming underwater.   We enjoy these games, flutterbu...


Remember that in-between time where I quit my job and moved and was searching for a job, but didn't have much else to do? I felt like a super underachiever and a counterproductive member of society. I made dinners and kept a clean home and that seemed like nothing in the course of nothingness. However, I just made a mini-pasta meal and put some porkchops in the crockpot and I feel very deserving of an afternoon nap. It truly is all about perspective. What wasn't an accomplishment now seems like a major feat & the reverse happens as well. Maybe we shouldn't judge ourselves or others and just do what we can when we can. Why can't we just be happy about that? Hats off to fabulous Sunday naps. It's the last week of the first trimester, friends. I am so excited to take a giant leap onto a new platform. Today, Mr Smith said I was doing the grass is always greener thing. I think of the DC memories, and yes, even the Provo memories and I miss something. Not th...

The Words of Someone Else

Please read this blog post from Lily Pad. I feel like I relate to this woman so much, but she states things so much better than I can. I love being challenged with the idea that one day I can express myself better. She's not a member of my faith, but she's a strong Christian woman.  My pains hurt. But regardless, I have a husband who listens and a Savior who heals.  I feel so weak at times. I feel confused. I feel insignificant. So many people are there in the world to make you feel like you're not worthy. Most of the time it's probably us telling ourselves that. But we're everything to our Heavenly Father. No-matter-what. We are valued.  These days I just don't have the patience to think challenging thoughts, let alone write them down. I've just felt extremely superficial. But I can still read and agree and love that other people feel the way I do. She also wrote about being pregnant " When Motherhood Hurts " ; she talks for tho...

Flutterbug Junior

So basically all you need is a bunch of republican friends who post on facebook and my views are now shared. While watching, I couldn't help myself check my newsfeed to see if anyone else was in such disbelief; I was so glad to hear, my friends were. I'm still shocked that the news gave him credit. I just like the guy who is there to get the job done and not make a mockery or charm his way through to votes. Politics is killing America. People determined to build trust and respect, to get things done and care about how their actions affect others . . . that's the person I want to see and vote for. There is no reason to be rude. Witty? Yes. Clever? Yes. Rude? No thank you. My kids will have enough of those examples to go around.  Welp, it's again Friday. The 12th week went by pretty quickly.  That's a first.  You want to know what we did two days ago? I came home from work, and at 6 o'clock I took a nap with Mr Smith and didn't wake up till ...

Puzzle Me

Did I tell you I have the sweetest supportive I-want-to-be-a-grandmother, mother? I do; she bought me the maxi skirt and is coming up in a few weeks to have some fun girl time. I could definitely use the girly distraction. Thanks, mom.  I started this Sacred Grove puzzle during conference. I became exhausted by it (like everything else) and Mr Smith picked up where I left off then we finally finished it (today). Who knew Mr Smith was also an intense puzzle putter-together.  That's me in my fantastic sweats with my awesome water bottle, which Mr Smith would like to point out doesn't spill when it turns over. (He used to get a little annoyed with water spots on the carpet . . . whoops!) Now it's baby proof . . . for me. I just like that it comes with a straw. Tonight's "Why I love Mr Smith" He left a set of clothes to change into in the bathroom so when he comes home late from basketball, he doesn't have to walk in multiple times ...

Tune In!

I want this outfit but I'm over it. It's time for General Conference! View Now We have a prophet on the earth. Two times a year General Conference is held where we are blessed to hear from our prophet and apostles. They are constantly providing messages and firesides, etc... but this time of year is special. It's broadcasted from Salt Lake and it's 4 hours on Saturday and 4 hours on Sunday, brought to our living room. This is specific guidance, love and support for us today.  I truly love it and it's a peace that fills my soul. I know these men know Christ and testify of Christ.  You can't get much better than this. 

"Can't Get Much Sweeter"

Mr Smith: "But I'm full of sugar. You can't get much sweeter than this." Me: "That's quote worthy" And ironic, really There are a lot of moments though, sometimes I might be the only one who sees it, but indeed I married a man with a giving heart.  I fell in love with him because I felt so good around him. I have had people that have liked me before, but this guy, for some crazy reason, he adored me. It took awhile to convince myself that someone like him could love someone like me, but boy has it worked out great (at least for me).  I am going to bed because it's past my bedtime, and he'll be finishing up the Priesthood Session of General Conference soon. I love being married to a worthy Priesthood holder. The world doesn't understand how set apart that makes you. You're amazing in my eyes. Please come home safe, lover, and kiss me goodnight.

Dead Sexy

Thank heavens it's Friday.  Mr Smith & I love Fridays. I've really been trying to pay more attention to details and focus more at work. It has just been so hard this last month! Mary, I read your post at 12 weeks and I wonder if there is something to missing the details! I'm not sure when pregnancy brain kicks in, but I buy that it's affecting me.  Who the crap knows what is normal is anymore. I crave things I've never craved before: ramon, mac-n-cheese, spaghettos, bagels!? Crap - that's what I crave. And I can't stand two of my favorite things: guacamole and hummus. I'm having gag reflexes just thinking about it. I end up gagging until I burp up air, calm myself down, or worse case (that always makes me feel better) throw up.  My biggest fear/worry these days is where I'll get my next snack. It really is not something to trifle with. Mr Smith has learned how important it is to me. Apparently I turn into the big baby who is ...

First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage, Then...

a baby carriage? 1 month ago , I wrote this ... While I Was Sleeping... So it turns out, you get really really tired during your first trimester. I know what you're thinking, who on earth is in their first trimester - besides everyone on Facebook - me .  *freak out. get out. what the heck. I knew it. the cutest baby ever* Don't get all ahead of yourself. It's the size of a bean and it just got rid of its tail. Not much to hold and cuddle, but it is causing some chaos let me tell you, which btw I can't.  Because I'm only 8 weeks tomorrow. However, it already seems like I'm on week 20. It creeps. The little alien creeper is creepin.  To all those who were waiting for me to come back from the grave, here I am. Unless we're talking metaphorically and my bed is the grave, because remember? I am tired often . It's like my growth spurt years except this is less than a year and my stomach is growing this time. Ugh it's agonizing.  ...

Debate Please

I'm so happy the conventions are over and we're on to the debates !  Both sides at the table.  I love it! 9PM EST I drove home today with my paints unbuttoned. It was just one of those days.