Please read this blog post from Lily Pad.
I feel like I relate to this woman so much, but she states things so much better than I can. I love being challenged with the idea that one day I can express myself better. She's not a member of my faith, but she's a strong Christian woman.
My pains hurt. But regardless, I have a husband who listens and a Savior who heals. I feel so weak at times. I feel confused. I feel insignificant. So many people are there in the world to make you feel like you're not worthy. Most of the time it's probably us telling ourselves that. But we're everything to our Heavenly Father. No-matter-what. We are valued.
These days I just don't have the patience to think challenging thoughts, let alone write them down. I've just felt extremely superficial. But I can still read and agree and love that other people feel the way I do.
She also wrote about being pregnant "When Motherhood Hurts"; she talks for those who have a difficult time getting pregnant and the suffering that comes with being pregnant, but
"Motherhood is the most beautiful, transformative, sacred thing I’ve ever done. I would choose it again every single time, forever. But some days – it sure does hurt."
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