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First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage, Then...

a baby carriage?
1 month ago, I wrote this...

While I Was Sleeping...

So it turns out, you get really really tired during your first trimester. I know what you're thinking, who on earth is in their first trimester - besides everyone on Facebook - me

*freak out. get out. what the heck. I knew it. the cutest baby ever*

Don't get all ahead of yourself. It's the size of a bean and it just got rid of its tail. Not much to hold and cuddle, but it is causing some chaos let me tell you, which btw I can't. 

Because I'm only 8 weeks tomorrow.
However, it already seems like I'm on week 20.
It creeps. The little alien creeper is creepin. 

To all those who were waiting for me to come back from the grave, here I am. Unless we're talking metaphorically and my bed is the grave, because remember? I am tired often. It's like my growth spurt years except this is less than a year and my stomach is growing this time. Ugh it's agonizing. 

You know when you get a cold and want to rip off your head? Well try having a 24/7 stomach ache. You'll want to rip out your stomach and then you'll remember you have a baby in there and you're like oh... I won't do that. I don't want to be one of those...mothers.

I give moms props. They always said it was hard, but everyone focuses on the actual birth part, but let's go back to the beginning. People shouldn't forget. And they should be more open to expression because bottling up my discomfort is like a suffocating bag. So don't  take me for a weakling (although I am), so many people have babes and I feel like too many are too strong and keep it in.
That's not me.

Conceptually it's the best thing ever, a blessing, a miracle, etc...I'm very grateful

So it all started when yep, you guessed it, I missed my period. I took a test, but nothing was really there. I didn't see the blue line. A little bit of relief/disappointment.
Emotions are a weird thing.

But a week later, something still felt different.
(the fact that I had to pee what seemed like every hour)

Needless to say, the second test (which I kept putting off) colored itself pretty quickly.  Eric was watching TV and after not hearing anything came in to check on me. So I guess my cheers of elation were covered in silence and then enamored in tears of fear. 

Why you ask? I started work that Monday, luckily my 6th week of pregnancy. I was petrified 1) I'd be throwing up my first week & 2) it just looked bad for the beginning of a new job.

Yes baby, I cared more about my employer's feelings than your entrance. I was pitiful, but I had to find the negative first. It's just like a happy dose of reality that is really confusing at first. You wonder if it's really possible. I didn't believe it. I couldn't even say the words "I'm pregnant.

Eric just came in and gave me a big hug. He laughed at my tears of course, and told me everything would be just fine. And I believed him. 

Until Wednesday came and I could hardly pull myself out of bed. The nausea has been omnipresent ever since. I only threw-up once though, and that's a blessing from heaven. Mr Smith has been praying for me and boy do I appreciate his faith. 

It's probably all lost when I fuss at him for doing this to me. I wish we could share the stomach aches. But in a way we do. I haven't really cooked but maybe 2-3 meals in the 3 weeks I've been working. He went to the grocery store for the first time by himself (albeit to get ice cream), he cleans up almost every time, does the laundry, gets me water, and tries to cook. I give him mean, nasty looks when he tells me it's all in my head. I think I'm going to be the bipolar pregnant lady. 

It'll be more real on Monday (3 days) when we have the ultrasound. I'm scared that nothing exists and it's all in my head. I know you'd be excited for us if you knew. I'm not sure when we'll tell you, but I'm so excited/nervous for Monday and that'll keep me going for another week.

P.S. All symptoms aside, I'm very excited. You just can't tell at the moment.

Three Days Later . . .

The heartbeat = the best thing ever. 
I seriously could have sat there all day watching it.
The big head is obviously from Mr Smith.

One Month Later...
I'm finally starting to see the light. And-I'm-a-snack-whore.
I'm so excited to start blogging about my baby.
My baby.
Oh that is just so weird.
I probably cry over every country song that involves babes
and babies growing up. I really hope I don't do anything to screw it up.

PS - Sorry I didn't get dressed up all cute and take a picture with Mr Smith holding a cute little announcement sign. 1) I would have to pull Mr Smith's teeth out 2) I'm just not feeling like the photogenic type. We'll work on it.

PPS - For the record, Mr Smith doesn't think you need to know. But he would probably wait until the child is born. I want to tell you what's REALy going on.


  1. Congrats Kayla!! That is so exciting, and peeing all the time were my first symptoms that something was up as well :)

  2. Hahhahahahaha! You just TOTALLY made my day! I am sooo excited for you two. You will have the cutest and funniest baby in the world :) Sorry you feel crappy. It was fun reading your perspective on things though as I thought I was the only mother in the world who didn't think being pregnant was a beautiful wonderful thing. We're sending "feel better" vibes your way and are so glad you decided to let us know...even though I KNOW your lover would have preferred showing up at our door with a surprise baby one day!

    1. i still think your kids are the best, haha. and it's wonderful that I am pregnant, but it isn't a beautiful process!! We keep it real girl!

  3. So excited for you guys, new adventures! Being pregnant was NOt fun for me either, here is my blog post from when I was expecting you are not the only one!!!! Seriously,IF your not pregnant you have a period, if your pregnant you are sick/uncomfortable, if you are nursing you are leaking all day. Certainly being a women is not a picnic!!! But in the end they are worth it, something is missing without them even though it is so much work, it is so worth it!! Hang in there, it will get better soon! Yeah, Eric and Craig always told me, it is all in your head. Whatever, you have hormone levels 10,000 times the normal level and your body is supposed to not be affected by it? Really? They just don't know! However, I am so excited for you guys! All of a sudden life isn't just about you anymore and it makes your soul grow! So hard, but so good!

  4. Congratulations Kayla!!! That is just wonderful! I am so happy for you! There is nothing better than motherhood. You'll love it :)

  5. Kayla! I'm so over the moon excited for you both! A baby is the coolest thing you will ever make in your entire life :) this blog is amazing, I wish I knew you did them sooner! I would seriously recommend watching "the business of being born" on Netflix. I recently saw it for the first time and wish with every fiber that I had seen it before my two kiddos. It's an amazing documentary (but not gory and gross like you would think) and I highly suggest it! Congrats and good luck girl, love you!

    1. Oh I love Netflix documentaries! I'll have to check it out. We are excited but still in that phase of it's not really real yet - just trying to get through to the next weekend, etc.. etc.. Thanks again! And let me know if you have a blog!

    2. Me, a blog? I am not that creative with words so it would probably be the most boring blog ever lol. Definitely check out that movie and let me know what you think of it. It's a must see for moms to be!!

  6. YAY! So exciting. Congratulations! You will definitely have a cute baby, that's for sure. Can't wait to read all the updates on this blog. I hope you feel better soon too.

  7. I was a sobbing mess of happy reading this [finally]. You and Eric are the absolute best, and I just know that little babe will be loved beyond words. Much, much love to you and your baby bean, Kaylala.

  8. Kayla! what great news! I am so exicted for you guys... You will absolutely love mommyhood and I can't wait to hear about your journey! No, pregnancy is not very fun, but the outcome beats anything!!! take care chica!


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