Finally! 28!!! 3rd Trimester!! Oh I don't really like this picture much, but it's a time of celebration nonetheless. almost there people!! (kinda not) Mr Smith & I decided it's time for a budgetary game plan. This weekend we're going to sit down & plan out meals We'll begin cash only grocery shopping & stick to the allotted amount. It's going to be tough folks, but I've been wanting to do it for awhile. I've just been lazy. Not anymore! It's time to count those pennies each month and live smart. So grocery shopping is phase 1 of the live smart plan. (especially now since we kinda have food storage...stored) However, I'm super glad Mr Smith insisted on a body pillow splurge at Walmart ($8 for pillow, $8 for cover) I am all over that pillow at night. It's just marvelous! And maybe it is helping with the back pain. Oh I ...
It's really just beginning: Sometimes, even as ordinary as it seems, I need to share it. To get it all out there. It drives Mr Smith nuts that I share my life. But I do. And this is it. We aren't perfect, but I love Mr Smith and this blog is dedicated to our life together. It's so I can remember. It's so our children may know."