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The List

Alright, I'm going to admit I'm crazy, but you already knew that!

I'm going to show you my list. 3 months before the due date and I already have 100+ things on the list! Oh dear, but let me explain myself . . .

These are things you won't find on the list (see Mr Smith, I'm restraining myself!)
actually some of it is cause I already bought it =)

soothing sound system + bassinet + changing table because it all came with
the pack and play
which is also why I don't have a crib. The one I'll eventually get is cheapest at Walmart
so honestly the mattress + sheets aren't super urgent either. Crib set is overrated.
plus Mom also got another popular bassinet thing for the first few months.
My mother brought a swing too so that's done. 
Monitor - we don't have a big place. You can hear.
Wipes - just got 1120 at Costco and that's a good start
Wipe warmer - she won't be a pansy
Dresser (craigslist) & Lamp (Target) & Diaper Bag (Baby Depot)
Safety things - we'll discover it quickly when she's mobile
Convertible car seat - who knows what will be the best thing in a year
Nursing & car seat covers - some friends told me they were making one
Bottle washer - do they really need something special?
Mobile - the only ones I like are really expensive and therefore not necessary
Rocker - we have a recliner that does the same thing
Books - between me & my mother we have a lot; but I still put some on the list - never enough!!

Now, the more difficult things to comprehend: bouncer vs playmat. If the swing doesn't work out I guess I'll go with what's cheaper. Then there is the activity center which is just freakin huge and the bumbo, which does not take up space but is expensive brand new (for a plastic chair). I feel like the bumpo can be used instead of the high chair for the first bit and we'll decide what high chair works later down the road.

Okay, and also before you start judging me here is what I call a "luxury" on my list:
Breast Pump & Bra. I know it would be good for the first couple of months and all the times I don't want to be locked into boob feeding. 
Stroller, I could go with an umbrella, but I'm set on this jogger that goes with new car seat. 
Diaper pail + refills - I just don't want a smelly, baby apartment
Mother's Toning Oil - pampering for me - it just had good ratings
Aden & Anais - you can get cheaper burp cloths & washcloths but these are soft & posh - ha
Bear Infant Mirror... the cutest car entertainment I've seen
Hamper - it's not plastic
Ergo - I'm going for long term & comfortability & ease
Baby care timer
Burt's Bees - I've never owned anything from them.

Alright, here it is

Clothes are still best at Target, etc... and sure prices can be cheaper elsewhere, 
but this keeps everything in one place to give me an idea.

I promise, in a year I'll just give you my top 10 favorite baby products,
no more of this madness.


  1. I definitely recommend the bumbo! You can find it second hand no problem for way cheaper. We used Addi's to eat on until we had to get her high chair. We also used it in the bath tub when she couldn't sit up on her own and hated to lay in a baby bath. (Which by the way, we never used maybe twice)

    1. Yeah I'm on the look out for a used one! Let me know if you see anything. And the bath is debatable but I'd probably rather not hold the wet babe...scary...not sure how else you would do it? I know the first couple of weeks is just a wash cloth but after that??

  2. Ok- few thoughts for you. Feel free to ignore my advice, because I know you are getting tons of it from everyone but I just thought I'd share. Take it or leave it. Aden and Anais swaddle blankets are the BEST swaddle blankets. We recieved tons as baby gifts, and the only ones I still use are the Aden and Anais. They are so soft and stretch really well. Ari uses one for all of her naps and all night. They are amazing. Second- the Lansinoh nursing pads have stickers on the back so they stick to your nursing bra (which I thought would be great) but they kind don't work very well because of your G's. We are currently borrowing the ERGO, and we love it. I've even put the 2 year old that I nanny into it and it is a dream! We are buying one soon. As for jogging strollers, we invested in the BOB and it is amazing. I don't know if you've done this yet, but you can go to Babies R Us and "test drive" their strollers. I'd been using a Bob for a year and a half before Ari was born, and I loved it. So we bought it for us. And if you are going to be staying at home, a manual breast pump is awesome. I got mine for free from the lactation consultant at the hospital, so I didn't have to spend $100+ on a pump that I rarely use. It works well enough for me to pump to leave the babe with the Mr. when I leave occasionally. Oh- and I totally agree with you on the wipe warmer- completely unnecessary in my opinion.

    1. I love your advice. thanks! I just got some Target swaddles (the pack of 4) so it's hard to add another, but maybe just maybe! We'll see. They sound like quality for the wash cloths etc...

      You can just wear the nursing bra on the inside? When I went through the temple they said so many nursing mothers were having a hard time that they say it's okay to wear Gs on the outside of the bra.

      I am pretty set on the Ergo, glad you agree! It's expensive but I say worth the value. I've heard good things about the BOB too and I know if I was a regular runner I'd probably do it, but I'm a casual jogger, so I'm hoping the one on the list might do the trick. The main thing is having one that has that one hand fold cause otherwise it won't fit in my car.

      And I've totally heard mixed things about the pump so I think I'm just going to wait and see how the first week of nursing goes to decide if I need to rent, be ok with manual, or get a pump.... Good to know you've been ok with it. It would sure save some $$

    2. Turns out I had the Aden & Anais swaddles afterall, yippee!


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