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Whine Session

So for some exciting news, my back hurts and my . . . pelvic area? . . . make even sitting & then standing difficult these days. But I'm not the first one. 

I think maybe I'll get used to the pregnant walk, give me a few weeks and I'll be able to stand up and walk straight without obvious "she's pregnant" stares. Actually, no, because by that time I'll still have a huge gut that screams "I'm pregnant, stare, hold the door, stare, and get me snacks"

But who knew your stuff starts loosening so soon. I seriously feel like it could all fall out any second. Don't be like Mr Smith and start talking about pre-term labor and I'll start crying. True story. 

Tangent warning - But not as much as I cried when they killed off Lexie in the Grey's Anatomy season finale! I'm a little late on catching up with the previous season. Lexie & McSteamy die (or failed to re-sign their contracts)?!? OVER IT. Could care less about season 9 now.

And back to the whining over real-life:

The back pain is unrelated to pregnancy, I've decided. TELL ME SOMETHING THAT'S NOT RELATED. my back pain. because it's my right, middle & upper back. I'm purchasing a jacknobber  soon so that Mr Smith's fingers don't give up so easily. Sore tendon? I don't know. But it's chronic and hurts like a crocked back, which I might have. (I might as well order something baby too, tell me what I should buy next off my list. Mr Smith loves this game)

Don't worry baby girl I'm so excited for you to come into my life!! But the closer it gets and the more my body changes the more absolutely petrified I become. And between sinuses and wacked-out hormones, I can easily take a sniffle of emotion and turn it into a rainstorm.

Sigh. The sounds of a pregnant woman. 
*breathing loudly because her nose is clogged*

I really am lucky. I'm just excited I've made it to 27 weeks.

Also, WHO in their right mind keeps pinning all those half naked women pictures on pinterest that "motivate" you to lose weight and do this 5 step workout every day? I'm more interested in this:

it has fruit in it.


  1. Lol! My crotch hurt so bad when I was pregnant and it only got worse for me. I guess it was my pelvic area but whenever JR asked me what hurt I was like, "my crotch! I feel like I just rode a horse for days!"

    1. Hahaha yep! And no one ever mentions this either. I may have expected it like the month of or something . . . any way - explaining symptoms to the husbands...always fun =) Right now it's only bad after sitting down for awhile.


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