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Showing posts from May, 2016

Chug Chug Chugging Along.

My hair might be oily. I might be in pjs all day. And my brain will always have this lingering pressure from lack of sleep. I know these months are just a few months, but I hate wishing time away when I know I want to cherish every phase at the same time. I just REALLY want to sleep again. Where are these 4 hour stretches Dallin?? I just hate neglecting Lexi because I'm so dang tired. Accomplishing ANYTHING becomes the accomplishment. Like today I made banana bread & made a craft project with Lexi. When I make it to the grocery store, clean the bathroom, or put away all the laundry, I mean it seems like substantial feats. I used to go stir crazy in the house. Now I'm just afraid I'll never make it out willfully again. I mean I do, sometimes. I set play dates and then I'm forced to do stuff.  Instead of messes, Lexi has turned up the sass. Everything "is a good idea" when she suggests it, but sometimes when it comes to cleaning her room or doing someth...

My Nieces

I've been wanting to blog about them for sometime now but there is so much to say! and wait for that I've just put it off. Their story is amazing, miraculous and faith building. I love my brother and his wife. We told them kids will change everything, but their story surely takes it up a notch or two. Because they couldn't just have one. They had to announce twins that came to them only a short time after "giving it to God" when they were told it might not be easy for them to get pregnant. My brother likes to prove everyone wrong. What a blessing. Twins are scary, sure. You automatically join this niche group of parents who need a support group because the first year of twins will feel like you're drowning they say. But it gets better they say. "I couldn't imagine" says everyone else. But soon after they found out they had twins, they were also told one will most likely die. I have a hard time even saying that out-loud, let alone soak i...

Tummy Time

Sorry not sorry for the Dallin overload. But I had pictures like these for Lexi and I guess I still feel obligated to keep up while I can. He still has a wobbly head, but he held it up for several minutes on his stomach. We're getting there. I'm ready for the bumpo. It seems Lexi was at 2.5 months. But let's just let the guilt sink in about how much I haven't given him enough tummy time. Lexi is doing so much better than when I last posted. She is a great helper and eventually goes along with our requests. Dad may or may not be threatening a cold shower on her emotional breakdowns for no good reason. Well, sure, she wanted a treat before dinner. It's a big deal to her. My biggest fear is being worried I won't hear her little girl voice for the rest of my life. I must get more video. But you also want to enjoy the moment and kids aren't as cute when the camera is out. I'm so lucky to have great kids and a great husband. I know this. And I...

Fan Club

I think I might have a slight love affair with this little guy. He is just so chill! I know the 3 month growth spurt made Alexis hard to handle, so I'm sure the time is only coming where I can't say that, but I have a feeling he is going to be a great little kid. If he slept the 3-4 hour stretches at night consistently, I'd have to say he was perfect. I'm honestly grateful he doesn't need a pacifier while he sleeps. It still lulls him to sleep but he always spits it out once he hits snooze. If I try to put it in when he wakes though, no lulling. He just wants to be nursed. He does this head banging thing on my chest. Which sometimes means he needs to burp as well. But really it's just a guess. His nose could itch for all I know. And he also starting biting on his hands a lot. Another hunger cue I suppose. I coughed it up to teething when Lexi started that. My favorite things are still when he holds onto my shirt or scratches my back when nursing. I...

2 Months of Dallin

We are 2 Months Old! Stats:  14lb 15oz (91%), 24in (80%)  and 93% head So we guessed about right. He is heavy. To put it in perspective, he is 2 lbs heavier than Lexi was... Fun facts: he is wearing 6 month clothing, mostly 3-6 non-Gerber clothing and size 2 diapers (probably should have moved up even sooner! He is averaging one 3.5 hour stretch at night followed by 2 hour periods still. The doctor encouraged us to feed every 2 hours during the day to try and get longer stretches at night. Although we have noticed a wheeze of sorts when he sleeps, his lungs are great, which means his throat and nose are just a little underdeveloped still. And along with reflux, that's where we guess the breathing & choking discomforts come from. He got his first stuffy nose a couple days ago to make things better... Overall, he is still a happy baby and smiling and cooing with such ease these days. He still prefers to take naps on us; we have a difficult time getting him to ...

Just Another Day

SO life seemed extra hard for a week or so there with Lexi. She was making a new mess every time I turned around and didn't seem to care (a little unlike her). It seemed she was acting out for attention, good or bad. She was getting really rough with Dallin on purpose and just had a difficult time listening. I was getting super impatient by the time dad got home. I started taking away toys and making her earn them back. I honestly thought she never would! TV access can be a good motivator too. The days of repeated spankings or time outs don't make anyone feel good. But I just couldn't handle hearing "because I don't want to" or "because I want to" anymore. The sass of a 3 year old. I'm glad to say she has been a lot better the last few days. She is still pretty rough with Dallin though. Mr Smith and I try to make a point to give her one-on-one attention and cuddles. She still just craves attention, but she is managing play time by herself wi...

Being A Mother

My Mother's Day photo. An extra kid just makes story time extra squishy. I love it when he just falls asleep in my lap and Ms Lexi insists on story after story. The way they lay their head on your shoulder or fall asleep in your arms. The way they grab your hand or kiss your cheek. I want to remember those touches forever, even in the moments when they waller and climb and step and pinch. I want to remember the babbles and the coos. They are so little now, but I know it'll only be a matter of time before they are memories. I'm certainly a struggling mother who wants to do right by her kids and husband. I want them to know how loved every inch of their being is. Every day I have to work on being more patient and kind, temperate and loving. Taking the calm breath isn't easy especially by the end of the day. But they are only so little for so long. They are learning. And it is SO fun to see how much they learn. Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers wh...

Passing Down the Cuteness

Dallin wearing  Mr Smith's baby blessing outfit at 2 months. I love those bottoms. And that face of course. Sometimes he smacks his lips when he sees me. I try not to take it personally.

Being 3

31 lb (70%) 37 in (60%) Favorite color: Blue/pink/purple depends on the day Favorite song: "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" Favorite show: Sofia the First Favorite foods: cheese, pepperoni, berries & french fries Favorite toys: Kitchen (&food) & dress up clothes Favorite things to do: sing, dance, dress up, play chase, read books, watch a show, catch/throw & make art projects Bedtime usually ends up around 9 PM and she is up at 8 AM. Most of the time she still takes a 2 hour nap, 2-4 PM. She eats whatever we eat except lettuce, squash & uncooked tomatoes She loves nursery at church, grandma's house (playing with her cousin Maren), helping around the house, constantly touching her brother, making messes in her room, socializing with anyone & honestly just doing anything we get her excited about. She loves adventures. Maybe her MOST favorite thing is meeting new friends. And boy, everyone is her friend. I love it. She k...

What Dad Can Get Away With

Lexi would SCREAM bloody murder when we would try to comb her hair. The SLIGHTEST knot would cringe ears. Sometimes she would be too distracted to notice, but combing our hair became a chore nonetheless. I kinda took over brushing teeth, which she will do when we talk about "stinky face" but Daddy took over the hair and fixed this one by first making it into a game of chase. She didn't seem to mind when he would pull hard if it was a game. Then he came up with this "tough" mentality where she would raise her arms in muscle stance and they would yell "tough" every time he combs through her hair. And he isn't holding it and combing gently folks; he is doing it hard! And I just sit there smiling with a little shock on my face. She even let me do it the other day. Tough. She wants to be tough for her dad. Update: Dad doesn't get away with this EVERY time now. We were at the dinner table and Lexi was distracted from eating, talking about a bug ...