We are 2 Months Old!
Stats: 14lb 15oz (91%), 24in (80%) and 93% head
So we guessed about right. He is heavy.
To put it in perspective, he is 2 lbs heavier than Lexi was...
Fun facts: he is wearing 6 month clothing, mostly 3-6 non-Gerber clothing and size 2 diapers (probably should have moved up even sooner! He is averaging one 3.5 hour stretch at night followed by 2 hour periods still. The doctor encouraged us to feed every 2 hours during the day to try and get longer stretches at night. Although we have noticed a wheeze of sorts when he sleeps, his lungs are great, which means his throat and nose are just a little underdeveloped still. And along with reflux, that's where we guess the breathing & choking discomforts come from. He got his first stuffy nose a couple days ago to make things better... Overall, he is still a happy baby and smiling and cooing with such ease these days. He still prefers to take naps on us; we have a difficult time getting him to nap longer than 30 min in a cradle or swing. There could be worse things though. We love our easy going, happy eater.
I think this explains perfectly what he feels about his sister...
I can see his future now...
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