SO life seemed extra hard for a week or so there with Lexi. She was making a new mess every time I turned around and didn't seem to care (a little unlike her). It seemed she was acting out for attention, good or bad. She was getting really rough with Dallin on purpose and just had a difficult time listening. I was getting super impatient by the time dad got home. I started taking away toys and making her earn them back. I honestly thought she never would! TV access can be a good motivator too. The days of repeated spankings or time outs don't make anyone feel good. But I just couldn't handle hearing "because I don't want to" or "because I want to" anymore. The sass of a 3 year old.
I'm glad to say she has been a lot better the last few days. She is still pretty rough with Dallin though. Mr Smith and I try to make a point to give her one-on-one attention and cuddles. She still just craves attention, but she is managing play time by herself without messes again and will help me around the house. Did I mention she colored on the wall and dresser for the first time? I honestly thought we were going to make it through without that incident. Luckily we have Google now and baking soda worked for the walls, magic eraser on the dresser... she makes me knowledgable ;)
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