Lexi would SCREAM bloody murder when we would try to comb her hair. The SLIGHTEST knot would cringe ears. Sometimes she would be too distracted to notice, but combing our hair became a chore nonetheless. I kinda took over brushing teeth, which she will do when we talk about "stinky face" but Daddy took over the hair and fixed this one by first making it into a game of chase. She didn't seem to mind when he would pull hard if it was a game. Then he came up with this "tough" mentality where she would raise her arms in muscle stance and they would yell "tough" every time he combs through her hair. And he isn't holding it and combing gently folks; he is doing it hard! And I just sit there smiling with a little shock on my face. She even let me do it the other day. Tough. She wants to be tough for her dad. Update: Dad doesn't get away with this EVERY time now.
We were at the dinner table and Lexi was distracted from eating, talking about a bug on the window and Mr Smith goes "I'm going to tell that bug to come kiss you if you don't eat your food". Needless to say, she busted out in tears. How he is still the favorite, I don't know.
She got a balance bike for her birthday.
Lexi: "Thank you so much for getting me a bike, dad"
Dad:"Well actually, mom got it for you"
Lexi pauses and then goes "Thanks dad for bringing it up for me".
Sounds about right.
It's 3 & up but still more of a learning curve than I expected. We got a couple houses down and she was basically done. She said it was hard. I told her she can do hard things. Only when we practice over and over will we get better. She got it, but not really. I didn't want to push it, but definitely wanted to encourage trying it out as often as possible. She was willing to start, just didn't like finishing. So dad took her out on the weekend. "Smiths don't give up". Next time I helped her "I don't give up mommy". We finally made it to the park yesterday and we had one meltdown half way where she wanted me to take the bike and her helmet. I said no way, we don't give up. She eventually got back on and with some positive reinforcement, gets a little better every time.
Some friends came over on Sunday with their 1 year old. We heard a loud thump and when they went to check on them, found the 1 year old chucking money (the piggy bank fell) at Lexi who was in her underwear (changing into her princess dress). Needless to say, we had to have the conversation about not changing in front of our friends. Maybe dad didn't encourage this one, but still.
Hearing Lexi talk: "Shore (sure)" "Okay?" or "Dats a good idea?" followed by every negotiation. One must listen carefully. "Dat's a deaw (deal)" "You like gli-er (glitter), daddy?" "Daddy no like gli-er mommy" and the famous "I love it" and "you member (remember)?"
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