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Showing posts from July, 2015

Your Turn

It's Monday night. Usually family night. But really we fall apart on the bed because it's Monday and we already want to forget about it. But my mother-in-law cooks for us most Monday nights because she babysits all afternoon while I work so WHY NOT DO DINNER TOO? All this to say, I didn't have to cook or clean, but I'm still lazy. Lazy enough that we fight over who has to wipe Lexi's butt AND the toilet seat. Here is why I win the argument and do NOT have to: 1. I didn't put her on the toilet AFTER she had already pooped 2. I'm editing photos and technically WORKING still 3. I had all morning to wipe butts And that's enough. I totally win, yet I'm the one wiping her butt because apparently that's not a father thing. I forgot to brush her teeth (I'm the only one who ever remembers) but he did put her to bed. He said he'll do bedtime as long as I wipe butts. What? That is totally not a good trade! Bedtime is the best! Alas, this is pa...

I'm Losing My Mind

Today I realized the fridge is not functioning, but that was after two days of partly warm milk in my cereal and I didn't even catch on. I mean I'm just not sure I trust myself anymore. And maybe Mr Smith was right and I'm losing my mind. We knew the freezer was acting a fool and I was blamed for shoving too much into an already tiny freezer. But really who puts vents in a freezer at the very bottom!?! Ugh. So instead of grocery shopping today, we're already onto Plan B. Actually, I'm pretty sure that was plan X, but whatever. I would have said Y, but locking my keys in the car while in the parking lot definitely makes the cut for Y. Why would I lay them next to the car seat instead of in my pockets? I don't know. Yes, it's official, I'm losing my mind. I think Plan Z would have been locking my child in the car too. I did NOT do that. Luckily we have a spare house key to get to the spare car key and my brother saved us. And instead of buying $20 in ...

Dear America

I am grateful to know you. I'm grateful to be part of your privileged class. I understand this privilege came at great cost.  But I am grateful for my innocent childhood that protected me and instilled in me the  idea that I could be anything I wanted to be. I could go to school. I could work. I could travel. I could leave. I could speak out. I enjoyed good healthcare.  I enjoyed nice neighbors. I enjoyed vacations and extra things. I had a great home where my parents could teach me what they believed. I was free to live my religion. I was free to live within the laws that protected me.  Unfortunately, I'm not so sure about that anymore. I am still privileged. I am still grateful to live in America. There definitely is no other place like it. And I definitely still think we have the most comfortable way of living, relatively speaking, and now I believe that will ruin us. Perhaps our country is fighting for new rights, rights that I think might backfire under...

How We Roll

So this picture probably wins for best picture of the month. In part because she got in trouble, but I told her not to move so I could get the camera. When it was sunscreen not in the tub, I actually reacted and was frustrated. But since this was cheap shampoo in the tub, I figured it was worth the cute photo. She just happened to match for once so it was a little disappointing to have a wardrobe change so soon in the day. But that is how we roll.  I saw a thing on Facebook that gave captions to why their children were so upset. Here is mine for this one: "Her cousin didn't want to wear her mask too" She enjoys the water park (I hear her voice when it comes to certain words or phrases every time that word is spoken. Water park with a hick accent is one of those words). Sometimes she insists on wearing that $1 store hat. I was trying to convince her to leave without throwing a tantrum by distracting her with the seagulls. As long as we tell everything goodbye...

No Longer Weighed Down

This has been on my to-do list for awhile (cutting my hair and donating it), but one that could easily be shoved off. I wasn't able to do anything fun with the length and it was impossible to blow-dry. Since mom was in town, I decided it would be the ideal time to go since she could watch Lexi. I reached out for opinions and my cousins told me Great Clips did a free cut for hair donations and then I mailed off the hair a few days later to Wigs for Kids, which I was told provides free wigs to kids. So I hope it arrived safety and was put to good use. I on the other hand feel 12.5 inches and pounds lighter in this dry heat. But a hair cut always takes a little getting used to. I felt myself get emotional on the first cut and then after that I was like - whatever .  I am blessed with fast growing hair. I need another inch to get back to my easy ponytail and maybe in time I'll go back for layers.  I have only had it cut this short once in my life. And that's after I made my r...

Gammy Came for a Visit

Uncle Troy is home! And sadly, this is still the only picture I have of him. I didn't get any right before he left either. He got one with Lexi in the hospital so I need to make him do a before and after pronto! But he is here and for that we are grateful, although MIA unless I feed him just like his brother. I did kickstart his welcome to BYU tour at the Wilk and I thought it was pretty funny that he had enough fuzz to fail code for a student ID. Welcome to BYU baby brother! Gammy drove with Uncle Troy across country and I got to enjoy the awesome spoils of free babysitting where Grandma came over and let me leave for work without any added stress.  She also brought some awesome hand me downs from cousin Aubree so now we are set with shoes, swimsuits and pajamas!      Saying goodbye is always hard, but especially when Gammy lives on the opposite side of the country.

We say we want opportunities, but are we truly willing to inconvenience ourselves?

Here is how we do it wrong.  We are prideful and we don't even know it. We think our way is the best way, but worse, we judge someone else for choosing a different course. And worse, we judge their said course based off 10% of the full picture.  We limit ourselves with that train of thought. I think it is fairly understood that there are very wrong ways to live life when it comes to living the gospel of Christ. We don't all have to live the commandments in the same way, but we all need to live the commandments so there should be a lot of overlap. And old or young, there are a lot of things that can be taught and learned. How we learn and how we teach are tricky matters. But gossip shouldn't be part of either. And by gossip I don't just mean backbiting and mean girls. I mean pride of heart. Pride that thinks their way is always the best way and that their knowledge is in no way limited. It's also boredom. Sometimes gossiping about others is simpl...

We Like French Fries, Among Other Things

Alexis' favorites: french fries "fire fries", fruit snacks, mandarin oranges "oinges", cheese, yogurt, e.v.e.r.y berry, popsicles - those are things she might request on a daily basis. She also loves avocado, green beans & broccoli (not much has changed with her food pallet). Dad is the best at getting her to finish her meals. With toddlers, some days they love them & the next it is a battle. But that's how it goes with most things these days. I swear getting her in the carseat has become something I dread. I mean I'm not sure how many incentives or threats I unleash (I hate needing either one) - she just stands their smirking like it's a game! Sigh. Life is a game to a 2 year old - why should it be anything else? Adults are always too rushed and too serious I guess.   She can count to 20, pick out several colors and sing most of the ABC song if she isn't in a shy or playful mood, which is rare. She is getting great practice w...

The Waiting Generation. Meanwhile, Someone Stole the Rainbow.

I could see it. I could see the government  the majority of society allowing the government to ruin the establishment of religion. You think that's extreme, but it's already happening.  However, my husband reminded me that it isn't all about our country or society worldwide rolling in inequity that makes destruction imminent. Society is there! It is slow-moving, stiff-necked Zion that isn't righteous enough to combat the evils and receive Christ at His Second Coming. Perhaps the destruction will be to humble those who think they are followers of Christ and to fortify those on the right track. Our goal in life should involve becoming our best selves. There is still so much hope and joy to be found in the world when we play a better part. The redefinition of marriage is a big thing that happened recently, but so are a lot of things. It is good that we talk about equality and love. Even if the first is relative. However, much of the world is still living day to day fig...