Alexis' favorites: french fries "fire fries", fruit snacks, mandarin oranges "oinges", cheese, yogurt, e.v.e.r.y berry, popsicles - those are things she might request on a daily basis. She also loves avocado, green beans & broccoli (not much has changed with her food pallet). Dad is the best at getting her to finish her meals. With toddlers, some days they love them & the next it is a battle. But that's how it goes with most things these days. I swear getting her in the carseat has become something I dread. I mean I'm not sure how many incentives or threats I unleash (I hate needing either one) - she just stands their smirking like it's a game! Sigh. Life is a game to a 2 year old - why should it be anything else? Adults are always too rushed and too serious I guess.
She can count to 20, pick out several colors and sing most of the ABC song if she isn't in a shy or playful mood, which is rare. She is getting great practice with counting herself out of timeout though. I will definitely call this the making messes phase. She FINALLY hops off the ground. It is a big excitement for her. She loves doing new things and being independent. She loves putting on shoes, and is starting to figure out the wardrobe changes, which are already a battle 50% of the time - she has an opinion. She still seems about half interested in potty training. She loves songs, hiding, coming into mom & dads bed too early in the morning, and helping mom in the kitchen. She loves Mickey, Peabody, and the Elsa Frozen song. She started repeating prayers and always prefers that mom rocks & sings to her before bedtime.
2 years. 2 months.
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