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Showing posts from February, 2015

The Day of Two Showers

So winter is killing us surely but slowly. For awhile life is peachy, but germs don't keep away forever. Ms Lexi was fussing at 3AM one morning and although it wasn't getting too loud, it wasn't waining. Mr Smith was sleeping through it like usual. I stood in the doorway to give her a few moments, but decided I wouldn't wait until she woke the rest of the house. I walked in and saw her standing, but with her head lying on the side of the packnplay. I picked her up and then quickly realized she reeked of, well, crap. Although now I know it as acidic hamburger & cheese . And I was like oh darn she crapped her pants in the night. And then I saw her pillows in the dark. OH MY FREAK POO IS EVERYWHERE. So then I decided to let Mr Smith sleep no longer. I told him to get up she crapped out while fussing at him not to let her touch anything, but really she just wanted daddy to pick her back up since she was still half asleep. So then she screams because then I realize ...

The Smiths Go to Work

I felt like we took a detour even if Mr Smith won't admit it, but we're back. We're back to work - and both of us! Who would have thought. It's almost a little too good to be true; I'm still a little superstitious.  I wouldn't have made the same decisions Mr Smith did, but I know he made them with much thought and consideration; like he does with most things. So Mr Strategy had a different plan and it was HARD for me to hop on board. I mean physically, I'm not the one with the career anymore and I move when I have to move, but mentally and emotionally it's not easy trusting someone's decisions which inevitably effect your life. Mr Smith knew my focus was the money. But you know I never wanted to move to Hickory and you know I never intended on living in Provo after 2010. But we did and we are. And I just have to move on whether that involves me just throwing it out the window or pushing it toward some greater plan that has yet been revealed to m...

Growing. Changing. New Things. Favorite Things.

She will turn two in just a couple of months! Her second year has flown by for me. And they change so much each day it isn't easy to keep up with let alone remember. So here is to remembering how she places her hands on my cheeks and turns my head in the direction she wants me to look. How she loves to be chased and follow Maren around. I love that she is a huggy, kissy, snuggly toddler still. She shares almost as much as she fights for toys.  She is definitely known for her physical stamina, sass & playfulness . She also has great sleeping & eating habits. They say they should know at least 50 words and begin putting together 2-3 word phrases before their 2nd birthday. She seems to be pretty average with her speech, but we thought we would try to list out her every day words to see where she falls (because even in the next 2 months she will grow like crazy, I still can't believe I will have a 2 year old by then!):  First Words mommy. daddy. bye. hi. no....

At 21 Months...

She had her  first dental appointment  which was not that great. An hour later, we walked away with a tooth brush and some extra germs. Lexi was chill up until they wanted to look into her mouth; it went as well as my fears foretold. She had four adults holding her down for x-rays. She sat in dad's lap for the dental visit, which didn't make it any easier for her, but I guess the dentist got what he needed even when mommy let her have cheerios right before he came to check her out (we had been there for an hour at this point! she was antsy). So he mentioned we should use this prescription toothpaste to wipe on and off her upper molars which appeared sensitive. The x-rays showed her teeth were pretty close together and when he mentioned future orthodontics all I heard was money money money to add some space, which may be a future issue. I'm not sure I can handle cavities AND orthodontia. Why am I already worried about this before her 2nd birthday?? We celebrated...

We Just Kinda Hang Out

How much is too much TV? How much is too much sugar? How much is too little or not enough social interaction? How much is too many germs? How much is to much negativity? How much is too much "giving in"? How old is too old for the paci or sleep problems or potty training? The list goes on folks. And we're just trying to survive the moments of boredom, tantrums & exhaustion. And even though you have an opinion, you don't have the answer. Because there are children and God didn't create the play by play. At least not for these little ruggrats. They are just pure, innocent young-ins right? WRONG. jk. They are. Even when she is a complete bum, I still think she is adorable. Here is said bum, watching a little too much Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  She also requests "bus" which mostly sounds like "us" aka Wheels on the Bus which is a series of cheesy British lullabies on youtube, thanks Grandpa She likes to call out Elmo when she sees hi...

Why Your Husband Can't Be Your Only Friend

Can I tell you why women need other women? Why, when you get married you may THINK you only need your wonderful best friend of a husband? But even if you were that kind of newly wed, there will be a day that comes, for your own mental and emotional sanity (and his), where you realize why you need a friend. More than your child who can barely piece together a coherent sentence. And not just any friend. A best friend that doesn't call child services when you threaten your child's life. Where you can say things like I'm running away today and they just laugh and say "where are we going?" These are friends that leave voicemails you actually listen to. These are friends that don't require makeup. They get waaaay too many texts along with everything TMI. You actually answer the "how are you doing" question truthfully or you skip it all together. Most everything is brutally honest. Most things are up for grabs because you know at the end of the da...