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The Day of Two Showers

So winter is killing us surely but slowly. For awhile life is peachy, but germs don't keep away forever.

Ms Lexi was fussing at 3AM one morning and although it wasn't getting too loud, it wasn't waining. Mr Smith was sleeping through it like usual. I stood in the doorway to give her a few moments, but decided I wouldn't wait until she woke the rest of the house. I walked in and saw her standing, but with her head lying on the side of the packnplay. I picked her up and then quickly realized she reeked of, well, crap. Although now I know it as acidic hamburger & cheese. And I was like oh darn she crapped her pants in the night. And then I saw her pillows in the dark. OH MY FREAK POO IS EVERYWHERE. So then I decided to let Mr Smith sleep no longer. I told him to get up she crapped out while fussing at him not to let her touch anything, but really she just wanted daddy to pick her back up since she was still half asleep. So then she screams because then I realize IT'S ALL OVER ME and neither one of us really want to touch her. But we take her top off since it was noticeably all over her sweater and then Mr Smith checks her pants and we're like weird, they seem dry. OMG SHE THREW UP ALL OVER HERSELF. for the first time. The smell was something that lingers longer and captivates all your senses so it was decided we just needed a bath. Let's be quiet not to wake the other five people living in this home. So we go upstairs. Ms Lexi wasn't about to take a shower by herself so that means I'm also taking a 3 AM shower. I'm not one of those women who appreciate bathing with their children. But at least now I didn't have to wake up to shower at 7 AM for work I'M ALREADY UP. Dad brings us clothes. He gets her water and crackers. I throw everything she could have ever touched in the washer, trying to figure out how to dispose of the CHUNKS OF THROW UP. I decided to sleep upstairs where I thought it would be warm and Lexi takes my spot with daddy. Although I warned him - she might do it again and then what - all over our bed?? And so an hour later, that omen came true. But this time it was just water and crackers. And dad got most of it on his arm and carried the rest of her to the trashcan. Not the best thing to wake up to.  

I'm not sure if she ate much of anything that day. I mean she did eat something, but it wasn't hamburger and cheese. I was putting her down for at a later bedtime. I asked her if she wanted one more song. Then she started these really strong coughs. As I ask her if she is okay, she projectile vomits in my hair. No.Freaking.Joke. ALL UP IN MY HAIR. And she projectile vomits again and I just kind of tilt her to the side, unable to move. It's dark. I scream for dad to hear. Lexi says nothing; she just pukes a third time. I thought I might die. Especially since I had to scream over and over and then finally get up maneuvering over the puke puddles. I was finally heard. They didn't understand the severity until I gave her to him and walked straight into the shower. All up in down from my hair to my legs. 

That's the part of parenting you don't hear much about. You know maybe it happens. But you don't really get it. Until it's in your hair. And that's the story of when I showered twice in the same day.

A day or two later, grandma and I were talking to her in her high chair and before you know it she is sleeping! Knocked right out. By the time I came back with my camera she woke again, but it only took her another couple of minutes and she was out for good. I carried her to the bed and she slept the rest of the morning. She slept more than she was awake. Her poor little body was literally pooped out.

She has been fine the last couple of nights. No more projectile vomit, but she might have gone through 8 diarrhea diapers that day and the last couple of days have been nothing but this rancid, instant gag reflex of yellow, watery, disgust from her bum. So maybe it's just nasty toxins making their slow exit? Hopefully it ends soon. It's nice when you're children poo and pee like normal. Welcome to parenthood when this becomes your conversation piece.

On top of it all her and daddy have had a cold possibly mixed with sinuses because it loves to stick around longer than its welcome. And now I got it too. Spring, WHERE THE FREAK ARE YOU? 

T h e e n d .


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