She had her first dental appointment which was not that great. An hour later, we walked away with a tooth brush and some extra germs. Lexi was chill up until they wanted to look into her mouth; it went as well as my fears foretold. She had four adults holding her down for x-rays. She sat in dad's lap for the dental visit, which didn't make it any easier for her, but I guess the dentist got what he needed even when mommy let her have cheerios right before he came to check her out (we had been there for an hour at this point! she was antsy). So he mentioned we should use this prescription toothpaste to wipe on and off her upper molars which appeared sensitive. The x-rays showed her teeth were pretty close together and when he mentioned future orthodontics all I heard was money money money to add some space, which may be a future issue. I'm not sure I can handle cavities AND orthodontia. Why am I already worried about this before her 2nd birthday??
We celebrated Valentines, sorta. I made her some heart pancakes. And for the first time I put syrup on them. And maybe she had a little sparkling cider. We go crazy over here. No photoshoot this year.
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