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Showing posts from November, 2014

We Went to the Hogle Zoo

And we saw lions & tigers & bears in that order, except for tigers should be singular.  Overall, it was great because it was free admission, but it takes a lot of time, gas & energy to take two toddlers to the zoo! But they were great and loved it as much as they could. I think we all just enjoyed getting out and enjoying the beautiful, sunny weather. Unfortunately, I felt some of the animals were too difficult to see or navigating with a stroller was more difficult than need be. I expected a little more out of the SLC zoo even in the winter, but I expect more out of UT in general when it comes to entertaining toddlers - I mean there are so many here. BUT if there was a perfect event, every one and their mother would show up, so although there are more friend potentials, most of the time we just want out of the crowds. Well, Lexi loves them of course.     I liked that the tiger & elephants came up close....


It is a little close to torture to go to the outlets (to return something for someone else) and window shop. It is torture 1. to be with a toddler and attempt pausing a few seconds to look at something of interest 2. to be with a toddler in a stroller with non-automatic doors 3. because even if you have some money now, you may not have it later, so you have to delay the gratification of a few sweaters no matter how much I justify needing a new wardrobe for UT winters. 4. If you're going to justify anything, it is going to be clothes for your children to stay warm. Children first, right? It was distracting for a time, but sometimes I can't get away from my situation. Until I learn that someone else is struggling way worse than me, but in reality I just feel more guilty for not feeling anymore grateful for my own struggles. The distractions are mere moments, in my mind. They push me along, but technically I might as well still be drowning. Hyperbolizing of course. Don't ...

Blank Space

Just bought it. on repeat. Some may judge. Some may join in on the dance party in the car.

Lasting Relationships: Kindness & Generosity

I wrote this quote in my scriptures by Mosiah 2:17 from Elder Robert Whetten of the Seventy: "Every unselfish act of kindness and service increases your spirituality. God would use you to bless others. Your continued spiritual growth and eternal progress are very much wrapped up in your relationships--in how you treat others. Do you indeed love others and become a blessing in their lives? Isn't the measure of the level of your conversion how you treat others? The person who does only those things in the Church that concern himself alone will never reach the goal of perfection. Service to others is what the gospel and exalted life are all about." I posted a link to an article on Facebook this past week. Every word made sense to me. And not just about marriage, but all relationships we experience in this life.  "Of all the people who get married, only three in ten remain in a healthy, happy marriage" That isn't saying 7 end in divorce, but to me, you ...

18 Months

I think her hair has grown the most of anything. She didn't get any taller! Which is hard to believe since all of a sudden she can reach things off tables and in cabinets I once figured were out of reach. She is only a pound heavier.  Stats: 32 inches, 24 pounds. 12 teeth (so one new molar?) We don't really get out much since she is still on two naps, gas is money and maybe we're lazy? I promise one day I'll have fun UT pictures that make it the bestest place on earth to live, but for now, I'm just not really feeling it. Or maybe I'm being selfish and keeping the mountains to myself. So more about Alexis Jane at 18 months. . . Behaviorally , I'd say she is happy, easy going, tough, playful and into everything. I'd say helpful, but she oftentimes causes the mess in the first place. However, usually she will listen when I ask her to pick something up or throw something away. You can tell she likes the idea of helping and being in...

3 Years of True Love

Yes, three years still sounds like nothing, but at the same time it definitely feels like I remember every day of those three years - sort of like when I remembered every day of Lexi's first year (not because it's bad, just because a whole lot has happened and I feel like a new women because of it, although most likely I haven't changed much). I'm a nostalgic person when it comes to photos - the memories - places, people, things that were said and done (I'm not super sentimental when it comes to physical things). Our one year anniversary  was spent newly pregnant. I was crawling out of a nauseous, coma inducing black hole. Well, it wasn't that bad, but it was the anniversary before the minion. We recently moved to Winston-Salem, NC where Mr Smith started his fellowship. I recently started a new job, the job that would allow us to have 2 incomes for 9 months. It was such a blessing. We were ready for a family if it was part of God's plan, but I wasn...

The Road is Uphill

Lexi did turn 18 months last week. We see the doctor in the morning so I will talk more about her in the days ahead. She is the best thing to talk about. I will mention that she has been in nursery the last 3 Sundays and has done incredibly well. It makes my heart happy to see her play well with a group of children her age (especially after the issues mentioned in the last post when it comes to playing one-on-one with her cousins & the fact that she still takes a morning nap). It was surprisingly hard to leave her, and still is; I want to watch her play, but it's nice knowing she behaves great without us. She doesn't show much contempt when we drop her off, but at least she gets excited when we pick her up. We are definitely getting more out of church thanks to wonderful nursery leaders. I'm just so surprised at the strong & independent girl we are raising. She is extremely helpful (in the way 18 month olds can be helpful) and loving. Yes, she might be grabby and p...