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18 Months

I think her hair has grown the most of anything. She didn't get any taller! Which is hard to believe since all of a sudden she can reach things off tables and in cabinets I once figured were out of reach. She is only a pound heavier. 
Stats: 32 inches, 24 pounds. 12 teeth (so one new molar?)

We don't really get out much since she is still on two naps, gas is money and maybe we're lazy? I promise one day I'll have fun UT pictures that make it the bestest place on earth to live, but for now, I'm just not really feeling it. Or maybe I'm being selfish and keeping the mountains to myself.

So more about Alexis Jane at 18 months. . .

Behaviorally, I'd say she is happy, easy going, tough, playful and into everything. I'd say helpful, but she oftentimes causes the mess in the first place. However, usually she will listen when I ask her to pick something up or throw something away. You can tell she likes the idea of helping and being involved. She is pretty independent when it comes to entertaining herself and meeting new friends. We've already discussed that not all of her new friends appreciate her back (except apparently there aren't any issues in nursery so far!) She LOVES testing limits and is well aware of her unauthorized actions as she runs off with something she shouldn't have. She goes into a room where she isn't allowed and closes the door so you don't know she is in there. Tricky monster! AND she is a climber, thanks dad. Little tantrums occur when you tell her no or take something away (typically near nap time); usually I can convince her to give it up with a good ole fashion "please"unless of course she wants the chase.

Verbally, she is a lot more willing to attempt words. She enjoys singing and dancing, especially with her cousin's influence, but we aren't singing words yet.  She says a lot of words though when she wants something. Some new ones are apple, fish, down, up, outside, stop, dog, please & thank you. She thinks if she says please, even repeatedly, that she can get whatever she wants. Words I didn't want her to know are juice & candy. She also says Amen, Jesus & boo. She loves saying bye bye and waving hello. We are working with names because her cousin has them down pat! Lexi calls Maren "Mar", Abigail "Abi". We ask her questions now like "do you want to go to bed (or any form of night night) or did you go poo-poo?" and she typically answers no. Sometimes it's quickly repeated over and over in a cute convincing fashion. When you guess what she wants correctly, she laughs. She counts to two. But she'll say three if you ask her to.

Sleep - 2 naps & sleeps through the night 830PM-8AM

Favorite Food - any fruit (although she requests apples), beans, goldfish & fruit snacks

Favorite Toys - chapstick, baby doll, push toys, blocks & things with buttons (books don't last long anymore)

Favorite Things To Do: run around outside: chase after balls, dogs & sticks or be in the stroller. Swing at the park. Get into drawers. Play hide and seek with my scarves and grandma's dry clean only curtains. Tackle. Be chased. Turn on & off the lights.

Her attitude comes out every now and again, and we tell her to get over it, but really she is just so darn cute and it's fun being the mother of a hair twirler, cuddler & dare devil.


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