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Showing posts from April, 2012

Food, Project, Money

The BBQ chicken quesadillas and this Brunswick stew are my only, what I would call, pinterest successes.  Both had delicious flavoring. Of course I didn't follow everything to a T, but this time, it actually worked (I stayed pretty close). And Eric actually ate both . Do you know how hard it is to 1. get a recipe that is cheap (the ingredients I have or could easily get for cheap), 2. doesn't contain anything that Eric won't eat, and 3. is easy to make & delicious?? I swear I love cooking, but it's all about timing, price, will power, space, etc etc... I especially loved the stew because we had plenty left over and clean up was a breeze. You want to hear about our awesome weekend plans? We both decided to take a "nap" on Friday night around 8 PM but we never got up. So that was great. Then on Saturday we ran errands and spent 9 hours watching TV episodes and playing with Rubber Cement. Okay, we didn't play. Eric had his big final paper/...

A Vacuum Story

So once upon a time a girl (the fairest) was vacuuming the entire 600 sqft of their apartment when she realizes that it really isn't working well. Her husband the fantastic Mr Burn Notice Watcher was ignoring her comments of frustration. It's not picking anything up! Finally . . . "honey, the vacuum is not working" Mind you, this story begins with one of the best vacuums ever. The Dyson. A lovely wedding gift from her parents. (I really feel like a good vacuum, washer and dryer, and bed could possibly make my life magical - but let's get real we always want more) He pauses his show to come over to help the poor maiden. After emptying it "that won't do anything" and trying to feel for where the power is coming (not the bottom of the vacuum) the conclusion is reached. Mr Smith: "Kayla! look at all that hair!" Kayla: "Oh my, our hair is tangled endlessly"! Mr Smith: "First, let's clarify, your hair" K...

Loving strangers

Right now is wonderful. There is so much hope. But I wonder if it's hope, if I have hope. Would I be so hopeful if things were going bad? Or would I have to be more hopeful? Knowing me I'm just waiting for the cannon ball, but I realize we can't do that to ourselves. Sometimes we'll get what we want, what we "deserve"; I truly believe good things happen to good people who work hard, as well as bad things. Sometimes bad people doing not so good things experience good as well. Life offers a little of both.  But I know real happiness in the end (and who knows when that will be) will come to those who understand love and truly have that spirit of Christ within them.  I feel undeserving at times, but perhaps I better just start deserving it because everything is for a reason. I just... love life. And maybe if you're having a not-so-happy day. Watch this video of an amazing spirit. If it doesn't make you happy, well, we probably don't have much in ...

Moving right along

I read this quote from Lily Pads blog post and I love it. It was said by a Dr. Ted Roberts: “Maturity is not a vague philosophical concept,  but a trained ability to meet the demands of reality.” She continues to go on and states humanity in these terms: "We are kids on a balance beam, trying to get to the other side of life uninjured and unembarrassed.  We wobble one way, then the other, trying to find a balance that’s sustainable – a way of living that will get us from one side to the other without all the violent back-and-forth. I think the balance is grace. Grace for ourselves, grace for others. There is no other way." umm that's pretty darn perfect. I'm petrified of being injured or embarrassed. But why should the inevitable keep me from living and letting Christ into my life? It shouldn't. Life will happen, so embrace it - don't hide And we can be made whole . Ahh it's a wonderful world because it's tempor...

Let's ride!

Saturday was beautiful and Mr Smith and I decided to go on a bike ride. Somehow we lost the trail once in Old Town (because it's not obvious), but still got 15 miles in. That distance really doesn't seem like a whole lot on a road bike unless you're Kayla and start thinking of your life as you knew it at mile 12. I-was-hating-the-world. Actually, my butt bones were hating me and then my toes were cramping up for some odd reason. Any way, I felt pathetic, but still glad I got off the chair (I wish we had a couch). It's also wonderful to have Mr Smith state how he noticed I was going slow those last 2 miles. Thanks for stating the facts jack. I was just happy to be alive, especially for my still-trying-to-be-coordinated self. Mr Smith has always been the one to suck up pain like it was no big thang. I whine with the first hint of discomfort, typically . He said my butt wouldn't care if I made a habit out of it. [now-who-would-have-thought] We did see some beautif...

The announcement

We are not pregnant.  ...onto less exciting BUT {I want to jump up and down and run there already} - news: we are moving out of the DC metro area. I am so excited for SO many reasons.  Granted, DC has been good to me. It got me a job that allows me to be independent It brought me the love of my life and a few other people who have changed me along the way. And let's just say, DC is beautiful, has one awesome temple, great history & there is always something to do (whether or not you can get to it is debatable)  BUT we want out. lots of traffic & parking & commuting reasons lots of expensive housing & food reasons and it goes on Living as a commuter in a big city world is-just-not-my-thang We are in the crazy, suicidal part of riding the rest of our lease and finding a new place in a city we've never been. Oh, I forgot to mention Winston-Salem, NC. Eric accepted an administrative fellowship at Wake Forest Baptist...

Today I am

This post has inspired me this morning.  I have stated something a long that theme for awhile now and I just liked how she worded her thoughts. I believe they are the thoughts of thousands of us, just stated in yet another way. Today I am be - ing It's active.  It's alive. It's a beginning And a will to live. Tomorrow I will be better stronger wiser yet I still will doubt worry mess up. but it's still not an end (of trying). The end , does not exist. It's just perfected by some one who is perfect

Staying a Little Crazy

I think I might have the hottest assistant. He carries my gear and makes me feel less awkward around complete strangers. Isn't the DC temple so beautiful? I'm so lucky I got to take some wedding pictures on Saturday, which allowed me to get some good shots of the temple while I still have the time! I think the wedding shots went well. I give myself an A just because it's harder to shoot a couple who hate photographs and you're stalked by their family with 6 other cameras standing right behind you. I wish I could get a picture of that! Also not to mention, the worst 10 AM lighting time.  Mr Smith says once we can afford to get me a Mark II, he can take candids on the side. Then we'll force our children to work for their cost of living. I am excited to get older! Cause I realize that when you get to a certain age you have your life together, you've accomplished so many goals, and you're well suited for a life of perfect bliss where it all makes s...


This couldn't be more true and I get so frustrated when I feel like it has been so long since I've actually created something. Sometimes it's just the desire alone that kills me; the knowledge that even today, I still probably won't get it done. Apparently good desires lead to good actions.  In other related news, I'm bogged down by Mr Smith's guilty pleasure of streamed television, mostly because it's Burn Notice and the Avatar cartoons. I have never seen this kid more excited than when he found Avatar on the internet. Who was requested to sit down and watch 2 episodes? He was so excited when he ran into the room and made me come see. Really, Mr Smith? I'm an easy spectator. I am getting worse and worse at self control and spending time wisely... I rolled my eyes though and told him to never ask me to watch a cartoon in my 11th hour again. It was still cute to see him all excited though. We all have our guilty pleasures. Did I read my s...

If I cry, hold it back, and cry again - I must repost

Oh the sweetest mother's story that brought me to tears: "Motherhood is..." Read HERE I can't help it that I get emotional! Emotions make me emotional. They exist, Mr Smith

The wonderful life of DC

Liiiiisa is in town. So we tried to be tour guides, but it would help if we knew more about this town. It's a good thing most things are just beautiful on their own. We hope we haven't bored her to tears. I mean who doesn't love a little Mr&Mrs Smith time. You can never get enough sass in your life. Oh the things you can do in 7 days . Luckily Eric got a few days off for Easter and I was able to take off last Friday. So although we begin a new work week, it has been a wonderful Easter weekend. Oh this wonderful  cool place we live. Mr Smith helping me climb the fence after I stated how it was not happening. Mt Vernon - Upper Garden. Our dream See that picket fence? It's atop a couple feet of brick. It was perfect. I told Mr Smith that's my dream fence. I'm pretty sure he was taking notes.   The Slave Quarters on the Mt Vernon farm  George created this way of pushing the wheat grain through the floor boards b...

Words of the Prophets&Apostles

And now I just need to read all those talks again and again until it all sinks in. Beautiful words of encouragement.  In summary, I always come away feeling how we are all human, but we can keep trying and slowly overtime become the person we never imagined, the person our Heavenly Parents knew we could become all along. I thought of doing something like this, but I'm too cheap to get Photoshop on my Mac and too lazy to write down everything I wanted to remember and create. So here are someone else's creation that ya know, I can appreciate. My Highlights: Printables - Here I can't wait to re-read the talks and really sit down and ponder about who I am currently and what I want to become. There is always so much to work on, but nothing can be simpler than to learn to love better, greater and really enjoy the blessings of obedience to Christ's example. Family is central to everything. Cherish moments and look up. The Church is true and I k...

Waiting for dinner

When I said I would wait for you for dinner, I meant I would eat chocolate. numnumnum love eating a Reeses outside in 1/2off at Safeway -OHkay *deathtrap* thank you Mr Smith Edit pictures time! PS - great recipe from last night BBQ Quesadillas easy and simple (and it's me talking here so that is so true)