Saturday was beautiful and Mr Smith and I decided to go on a bike ride. Somehow we lost the trail once in Old Town (because it's not obvious), but still got 15 miles in. That distance really doesn't seem like a whole lot on a road bike unless you're Kayla and start thinking of your life as you knew it at mile 12. I-was-hating-the-world. Actually, my butt bones were hating me and then my toes were cramping up for some odd reason. Any way, I felt pathetic, but still glad I got off the chair (I wish we had a couch). It's also wonderful to have Mr Smith state how he noticed I was going slow those last 2 miles. Thanks for stating the facts jack. I was just happy to be alive, especially for my still-trying-to-be-coordinated self. Mr Smith has always been the one to suck up pain like it was no big thang. I whine with the first hint of discomfort, typically. He said my butt wouldn't care if I made a habit out of it. [now-who-would-have-thought]
We did see some beautiful sailboats along the Potomac and I really wished I had my camera for a couple quick shots. Also, Mr Smith took his shirt off. Now isn't that a site to see? Next time I'll bring my little point and shoot so I can share.
Whether it's coming home from a run or coming home from church, nothing moves me faster than my desire to take off my shoes or tights followed by a wonderful well deserved nap.
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