Liiiiisa is in town. So we tried to be tour guides, but it would help if we knew more about this town. It's a good thing most things are just beautiful on their own. We hope we haven't bored her to tears. I mean who doesn't love a little Mr&Mrs Smith time. You can never get enough sass in your life.
Oh the things you can do in 7 days. Luckily Eric got a few days off for Easter and I was able to take off last Friday. So although we begin a new work week, it has been a wonderful Easter weekend.
Oh this wonderful cool place we live.
Mr Smith helping me climb the fence after I stated how it was not happening.
Mt Vernon - Upper Garden. Our dream
See that picket fence? It's atop a couple feet of brick. It was perfect. I told Mr Smith that's my dream fence. I'm pretty sure he was taking notes.
The Slave Quarters on the Mt Vernon farm
George created this way of pushing the wheat grain through the floor boards by using horses circling the room and stomping the grain through the cracks. Underneath, they would sweep it up. Eric's concern was mostly about the poo.
The Awakening. The children were bombarding it for our picture. Then I realized it was perfect.
Arlington Cemetery!
I love this picture! So glad Lisa was in town #1,
we actually got a couple photos of us together #2
This is us at Mt Vernon
Eric headed to the Peeps Store.
Is this picture perfect for anyone else?
We were in D.C. this past week too. I love that place! It's so much fun.