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5 Years - Letter to Lexi

Dearest Lexi,

I think I'm overdue for another letter to you. Your 5th birthday was full of a new baby sister! As well as Gammi spoils (your first Chuck E Cheese experience; Uncle Troy drove up too!), strawberry icecream & cake, water balloon fight at the park with friends & a surprise visit from Maren! Thanks to Aunt Lisa. You are very loved.

Nothing beats becoming a mother for the first time. All the high & lows of caring for tiny humans that grow up so fast you find yourself just staring at them wondering where time went & what their future still holds. I find myself staring at you constantly and you'll just give me a quick smile.  You've grown into a little girl, not my chunky toddler. Every day counts when it comes to teaching and loving you; and I'm grateful for second chances because I'm definitely less than perfect.

I find so much joy in letting all my children enjoy new things, but you're right at that age of asking questions & remembering experiences (although not usually until weeks later).  You've never hesitated to ask questions to me or strangers. You're always up for a new adventure & can be excited about anything, even if at first it isn't something you want to do.  You usually come around after working through any emotional battle, which we still have plenty of! Finding joy in life is simple with children & I'm grateful for that reminder from you.

We love watching you enjoy your creative, artsy passions; you're very assertive in this area too - you have your vision. There will forever be crayons somewhere. I have no idea how much paper you have gone through in such a short time span. You like to develop new skills, like dance moves or cool jumps/spins. Now that you have scored a couple goals in soccer, you're enjoying that too. But you like to practice your cartwheel & have mentioned you'd rather be a dancer or sometimes a scientist. More than anything you like to SING, and we've talked about lessons if it's going to be a new constant thing =) You love making up your own songs especially when Rebecca is crying.

You're full of sass and negotiations with me. You know how to throw around the "you're ruining my day" with a meltdown. But you're also extremely helpful and try to be responsible. You were so proud when you learned to pour the milk yourself. You're always up for learning something new & in time, conquering fears when you're ready. Making messes comes naturally and cleaning up is the last thing on your to-do list. You'd much rather watch a TV show, ask for a snack, create "parties" with your dolls, play a game, step around the messy toys or go to the park.

You and Dallin have each other for better or worse. You love & fight with great passion. I love hearing you guys laugh together. You're actually pretty forgiving of the many hair pulls and pinches, but I keep trying to teach you how to work with him not against him to avoid the fights. But you both can be very stubborn. My least favorite thing is hearing you scream together (joy or pain). He is definitely your little follower, which I think you enjoy encouraging. Anytime you beg for a treat, he is right there repeating whatever you say & do.

You've hit some milestones with reading & counting. I wish I had continued our lessons together, but this pregnancy made me fall back on the online pre-k program, which you've excelled at and I'm grateful for that. I can already see you getting bored & distracted with learning if it's not the perfect balance of challenging, but not too difficult. You're very excited for Kindergarten. My baby is ready to run off to school with her oversized backpack and all.

You're perfectly adorable as I watch you tell me something with all the ideas floating around in your head. I usually can't keep up, but that doesn't stop you from dreaming. I hope you always see the world full of potential & hope. I hope you keep your innocence & social candor as long as possible. I love that you have no social fears. We are working on gratitude and kindness towards everyone; it's so important that you value those things. It's hard to learn to place others first, but I hope we can find strength in these attributes together. You've always been compassionate to those younger than you. I hope you never lose that "little mommy" side of you. Heaven knows I need the help. Thanks for being my constant companion at this stage in my life. I'm grateful for every day I get to be with you and see the world through your eyes.

Happy FIVE years my darling, Lexi.


Alexis Jane Smith, Age 5

Favorite thing to do? making "shows"
Favorite food? ice cream & donuts & pizza
Least fav food? vegetables
Best friend? Maren & Leila & Elle
What's something that is hard for you? riding my bike without training wheels
What's something that you're good at? holding the baby
Favorite TV show? Sofia & PJ masks
Favorite book? Dr book
What do you want to do when you grow up? be a dancer
What's your favorite thing as a big sister? playing with them
Favorite color? red, purple & pink
Favorite toy? dollhouse & dolls stuff
How are you trying to be like Jesus? listen to my parents


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