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39 Weeks & Soccer


We have been distracted, but not by a baby yet! I feel the most calm and not as anxious this time around as far as waiting on baby, but sure, I'd LOVE the happy surprise of her coming early this week. I've been having more contractions than I feel like I ever did with the others, but after last Friday with them being 10 min apart for an hour, nothing consistent has happened again, at least not where I've clocked it.  But at least the contractions have kept her moving more. 

I am finding myself exhausted by early evening, yet it's only the start of dinner & everything else. It's hard to keep up with the chores wanting everything in its place before she arrives. Including that dumb van, which apparently won't be repaired by then, but I'm counting on Mr Smith to take care of it during paternity leave. We are down to the last week though! It's very exciting. I set the induction date for Friday, April 20th assuming I'll feel up to it then. My only worry with the induction is if my body isn't ready and it takes all day of being on fluids & antibiotics thanks to groupB strep this time around! I know it's common, but I wanted to be omitted from any sort of complication. I probably wouldn't have even set a date if it wasn't for that. Everyone keeps saying they come faster every time.

I might just be too impatient to ever wait naturally though. 

So cheers to the final week of our family of 4. It's really going to be full of stocking up on food, cleaning, packing overnight bags, laundry, soccer practice, getting in all my last minute parenting book reading & comparing transmission rebuild & an engine mount replacement quotes on that lovely van. My life is just really that exciting. Maybe Mr Smith & I can squeeze in a date night when we drop the kids off late Thursday. What am I missing?? I just like enjoying all this spring sunshine.

I've had wonderful friends sew some adorable things for the baby, send me the bomb nursing/sleeping gown, and some YW in the ward gave me some freezer chicken meals since I have completely failed in that category. I think I'll put off most food prep until the second coming.


Something notable for this wonderful spring Saturday... Lexi scored her first soccer goal at her second game, the last goal of the game! So maybe it's still worth playing. She tried much harder this game. I guess I haven't posted anything about soccer - she started back in Mid-March and it goes through Mid-May, practice twice a week. Games just started the first weekend in April. She has had her ups & downs with it. Sometimes it can be summed up in this direct quote:

Mom: Are you excited for your first game this week?
Lexi: No, it makes me hot & tired. 
Mom: Well that's called exercise & it's good for your body.
Lexi: I don't like exercise. 

She has definitely shown a competitive edge when it comes to being upset when the other team scores goal upon goal. Both games they've had to switch it up half way through so that one team wasn't scoring all of the goals. After an epic breakdown the first game, we've realized we need to set expectations of "just trying" "we're here to have fun" "we don't care how many goals, just see how many times you can kick the ball". Parents are learning too. It's good to help set some expectations beforehand than just expecting them to enjoy a new challenge.

Pictures from weeks ago...


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