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It is a little crazy to think I have a 1 year old now. My word he is adorable and a handful all at once. For the most part, he is my happy, cuddly dude. But he is dramatic when it comes to his need to nurse, not nap & teeth! I'm not sure height or weight have changed much, he is a very gradual guy at this point in the game. 

Some things about this one year old: 

Personality - Cautious. He has yet to stand up without support. He likes to feel comfortable. Heaven forbid he be left alone in a room. Hilarious. He is always smiling & laughing when I give him "the look" and loves a good tease. He is great with faces & interactions with others. Playful. He is all about playing toss, peak a boo & tackle. 

Development: He took his first steps by himself at 11 months and REALLY took his first steps the last couple of weeks but he is SO moody about when he is willing to try. Still a lot of balance to work out. He seems to want to take off running instead of the slow and steady. He still depends on crawling & loves climbing stairs if given the chance. He loves balls & cars. He only recently picked up talking again & only "mama" although he is sure to get your attention.

Sleep: We finally feel refreshed in the morning! Even when a little sick or teething, he has stayed consistent with the 8-7 sleep schedule with only a little variation. He still doesn't wake up ready to stay awake so that baffles me, but I'll surely take it since he doesn't nap well or much at all. This kid does 1-3 naps and they're mostly only 30-40 min. At least he now lets me put him back down for the 30 min. He wouldn't let me for a few weeks there and that was torture even if he slept longer. This past week was the FIRST time he put himself to sleep at nap time.

Eating: We are still nursing too much for my liking. Someone mentioned because he rid the pacifier he will be harder to wean and it's true. Unless Dad is here to put him to sleep, he wants to nurse. It's a struggle. I'm ready to quit but apparently it's one sided. We still try to give him as many solids as we can. He eats most things even if it involves spitting it out just to put it back in. So lovely. Quinoa has been added to the recent favorites list. 

Some random things: he fell off our bed again (front side), but on Dad's watch this time // He developed a rough patch of eczema under each knee // His 7th and possibly 8th tooth started to come in on his birthday, which left him with a fever to celebrate with. It came and went quick enough and I hope this stuffy nose leaves pretty quick too. So far, the rest of us have seemed to recover from winter // He has the grip of Tarzan // the hair on top of his head is still struggling // 18 mon clothes // major cowlick in the back // can't get into the bath tub fast enough // BITES e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g but mostly mom // LOVES taking the cards out of my wallet, baths, balloons & balls

Lexi was so excited about the cake after we showed her pictures from her 1st birthday. She wanted to get in on the mess too...


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