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Catching Up on Winter

Maybe I should just talk about it all now and post pictures later.  Let's recap what I left out the end of last year into January, there was 1. Our first and only "snow day" where we actually went sledding 2. We wrapped up cousin time 3. Lexi had her first parent date & bowling experience 4. Lexi also had her first time in Primary as a Sunbeam at the start of the year. 

And here are my comments on each, ha! 

1. I was SO happy to see Megan was in town with her kids. People visiting get us out of the house and doing things. The snow gear takes time and after that morning we now have a bin dedicated to all the snow gear instead of hunting through every closet. Sledding was so fun! Lexi was nervous at first, but as she told me later, "once I had a friend I was happy!" And her & Rozie went down over and over and over so I was proud of her to give it the initial try. Even Dallin & Mom got taken for a ride. And we get to call it good for the rest of the winter, lol!

2. We really wish the Texas cousins lived closer. We had fun at the jump place & animal museum & just hanging out at grandma's house.

3. We dropped off Dallin at grandma's house & took Lexi bowling. We had dad beat for the first while, but then he caught back up. I got at least 1 strike. It's too expensive to keep the bowling skills fresh. I think the next date should be daddy daughter to nickel city.

4. I was excited for Lexi to leave the germs of nursery behind, and thought she would be great in primary. And she is I feel up until the individual class which takes a lot more focus than she is used to. She got excited once she realized her friends would still be in her class. It's just fun to see them growing up and I wish their was a spot on the wall to spy on her forever.

And now it's the end of February. HA. It wasn't my favorite year thus far, but we're working through it. We spend most of our days at home, trying to balance a heavier work load, no independent napping & toddler emotions. Dallin is in the beginning stage of walking which only involves a couple steps with the proper motivation. He can stand but still gets nervous with all of that. He isn't saying any words like Lexi started around now, but they both have their own way of "playing" until one gets hurt or annoyed. They both are learning to be patient with each other, but aren't we all learning that lesson? over and over... and over.



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