FINALLY I can give you an update. It seems our guy is slowing down a bit:
Weight 23lb 91%
Height 28.5 in 60%
Head 18 in 87%
He is on the go this month! He started crawling faster on his knees // he is all about trying to stand up but can't sit back down; definitely a cautious boy // he chews anything like a champ // FOUR top teeth all popped in during his Croup week so that was fun, 6 in total now // he has reverted back to bad sleep habits after my mastitis bout and has a difficult time going back to sleep on his own whenever he deems it necessary to wake up in the middle of the night // he started babbling "da da, bah bah, ma ma" sounds // he LOVES being held still but is all about grabbing everything so that can be challenging // he loves musical instruments, blocks & putting play food in his mouth // so VERY ticklish still // 12-18 month size // still has bouts of cough attacks especially at night (part of the night problem I assume) // hasn't really taken to a sippy cup yet // since he is now 9.5 months - he also enjoys walking while we hold his hands // still pretty calm and easy going when it comes to anyone else but a little needy when it comes to mom =) But who isn't.
We started reading the scriptures every night with family prayer from the actual scriptures and not the kid version. Since Lexi will be a big kid in primary soon, I wanted to get her started. We have also tried being more consistent with family home evening once a week (whatever day works out) and I think it is really great for us all.
Dad put Lexi in the van leaving church and asked her what her paper said; her response - "It says Merry Christmas because we love Jesus" or something like that. It was really cute.
One day when I told Lexi I wished I could have some of her energy she said "Energy can be hard. Sometimes you have to wait for it and then it comes to your heartbeat". These little comments make my day complete.
Sometimes her comments are just "watch where you're going" or "I want it so I want it" referring to chips for breakfast or other not allowed snacks. And we have to talk about throwing out our attitude as we catch the attitude with our hand from our mouths and toss it aside. It's cheesy, but sometimes that works.
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