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T H R E E . F I V E

She adds an s at the end of a lot of her words like "potties" 
She still likes to tell us when she goes potties and also " I went poo, come wipe my bum!"
She likes to remember random things about her friends or her time with them
Same thing with who got her something "Grandma got me this. That's so nice of her."
She started saying things like "we saw them on Saturday" when it was months ago.
She started asking "what time it is" throughout the day and just going "oh. okay"
She will stop a tantrum for a treat. Like complete 180.
She can be demanding. She'll tell me she doesn't want to be patient.
She always uses "he" when it should be "him" referring to Dallin
All her Ls sounds like Ys because she doesn't stick her tongue out past her teeth when talking
She opens the front door herself and invites anyone including our 60 year old male landlord to play with the toys in her room.
She started saying "I'm just talkin to myself, mom"
I can see her imagination starting to bloom; not everything is so literal anymore
She loves to make her brother laugh
She practices whistling like her dad, hand stands, balancing & jumping
She gets really scared when she thinks she might fail
Everyone is still her friend. "What's her name?" is a common question when making visits
She loves to be chased
She loves to hug to the ground
She loves to test me when it comes to following directions.
She asks to do a project every day. It needs to include "gu" or glue.
She loves to color but I can't for the life of me keep her from leaving crayons everywhere
We also play doctor and hair dresser
Bad Habit: bites her finger nails
New games she plays with mom & dad: Uno Attack & Bingo
She is great at entertaining herself or her brother
But his cries now bother her. She has issues with loud nosies.
She loves her weekly preschool and learning new things, songs etc...
I think she actually gets sarcasm "haha, oh mom"
Frozen is pretty much the only princess movie she really knows.
I can't believe how old she seems to me now. I have to remember she is still 3.

I finally found a better carousal and I took her months after we established the reward for better behavior. Cashed in on free ice-cream and face painting too. Even when she makes bad choices, I appreciate when she can own that they were bad choices. We're still three, but she's a pretty great kid.

Question & Answer

Your name? "A L E - X I S, What's that spell? Alexis!"
How old are you? 3 years old
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite animal: Fox
Favorite food: Yogurt
Least favorite food: Tomatoes
Favorite Song: Twinkle Twinkle
Favorite Princess: Rapunzel
Favorite Show/Movie: Sofia
Favorite thing to do in your room: read books
Favorite thing to do outside: have fun with friends, ride my bike
Best Friend: Maire (neighbor)
What has been your favorite adventure so far? Mountains
What's you're favorite part of you? My hair
Who do you want to be when you grow up? "Princess Leia"


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