If I could take pictures all day I would because there are so many cute moments to capture or sometimes the captured is cuter than reality but that's all the better FALSE REALITY haha. JK. We do like to keep it real in here, but I'm all about capturing beauty too and sometimes that's when we look back and realize just how perfect it was. I'm too exhausted and delirious to appreciate everything today, but I'll try and trust it was all some sort of beautiful. Because really, this world is pretty darn amazing if you just rid everything Satan touched. Whatever. back to my adorable 7 month old...who wouldn't smile this morning for just me, so there goes another reason to keep taking photos all day... at some point my brain just needs to capture it and seal it. But I'm glad you get a TASTE of my world:
Let's calm him my squishy. Go ahead...look at the pictures and come back to read.
So just a few new random things...
He STILL doesn't have something that comforts him at night, except mama, which is a big problem. He plays with his fingers and his paci will calm him...but only me holding him or putting my face against his will get him back to sleep. Oh and nothing knocks him out until he is fed. This big baby still takes a solid feeding at night. And a little extra one if he can get away with it, which he does. He still hates sleep. He has done 1 - 10 hour stretch that I can remember. A handful of 8s, and mostly 3-5s. I've tried removing the evening catnap and putting him down by 730, but he usually screams once I put him in bed. So 9 PM is still the bedtime. He will cry for hours if he wakes up. He put himself to sleep while awake like twice. Awesome, I know.
He sleeps on his belly BUT he only rolls from his belly to his back easily so that sucks. I think he has slept some in our bed on his back but it's rare // He is starting to eat off our plates; he wants everything we eat. We've been more cautious with him due to his extra swallowing issues, but the last few days he seems to down grilled cheese or strawberry bites no issue...spit up still happens on occasion. He is still picky with the pureed stuff // He holds his arms out and moves his hands around. I feel like he is anxious. When he sleeps he will scratch at the bed like trying to grab it and hold on // He loves his sister and her voice is very distracting for him // He hasn't figured out how to jump yet. Just barely started moving his legs more when laying down. He will rotate & squirm // He will play on the floor with toys if you're down there with him, but he has gotten a bit whiney wanting to be held and grab everything // Very ticklish. Loves to be teased // Two teeth // Light brown hair // Hazel eyes, similar to his sister // Adorable and heavy as bricks
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