Yoho, it's never about us anymore is it! We haven't dated much mostly because we're trying to save and that's an easy way to save (whether or not we could come up with cheaper or sacrifice elsewhere that's definitely the case), but we're also a little lazy. By the time Friday rolls around, we're excited we can worry less about the details of the next day. We just like to relax, but we relax differently. Mr Smith can go from one episode to the next and I like breaks. I like going on walks, seeing new things organizing stuff, or talking about life. I haven't felt like I've had a break in awhile; even if Mr Smith is watching the kids.
I rarely get moments of just me for me. That's mostly because I don't even think about doing something for me. What I think about is truly doing for my kids and maybe Mr Smith. It comes naturally most of the time. However, I've definitely come to realize if mama doesn't take a break and think about herself from time to time, she will break. And then everything comes back to me because nothing else can function if mama is broken. It's a thing.
Now, Mr Smith will tell you what I do for the kids is for me, and sure, that's completely true. For example, I get excited when I got a great deal by chance (because shopping is usually too time consuming), but it's on kids clothes. I don't even know what to buy myself anymore. I'm a cost I try to delay. I'm talking I need to do something for me completely separate from anything motherhood related and maybe it's shopping for ME, but I'd much rather enjoy photography or other hobbies/events, date nights, girls nights, spa day, etc... those things are important. Not grocery shopping, work or a dentist appointment. Like I said, typically, I want to experience things with my kids or as a family, so I rarely truly want to be alone but heaven knows we still need some time out for mama! Even if I crave a picture of my children an hour later.
I don't typically like to cook dinner unless it's something that sounds good to me. So Mr Smith does NOT get mashed potatoes 5 days a week. And I definitely use the eat or starve method with Lexi. So I squeeze myself in when it comes to food options. Which is arguably the most important argument, eh?
But that's life. I don't think I'm broken yet, but heavens I wouldn't test me. Which really I shouldn't say, because I'm pretty luck in life thus far.
Labor day is tomorrow. All day labor'n'
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