Well, he had the chance to be perfect and he blew it. I guess a little too much spit up these days and his clothes weighed him down a few weeks ago when we weighed him at 20lbs, he is a mere 19lb 11oz. Typically, he is wearing clothes, so I'm still lugging around a 20 pounder. That puts him at the 99th percentile for weight. I'd love to meet the other 1% babies. They should be friends.
The official stats:
Weight: 19lb 11.5oz 99%
Height: 26.5in 92%
Head: 43.5cm 92%
We talked to the doctor about the molars. She said they are raised up, but she doubts they'll be rupturing through the skin to cause any teething pains (although I'm still not sure how she knows this). So that excuse is out the window and we don't officially have teeth yet.
We talked to the doctor about his sleep. How he likes to wake up a lot at night. I had been feeding him 1-2 times a night still. She said to stop it unless it has been 8 hours. He is a big boy and can surely learn to sleep longer than 3 hour stretches. She suggested tough love. So I'm committed. It just helps hearing it from the doctor I suppose. I've been meaning to get around to it...
And we talked about starting solids, which already happened but in a noncommittal way. She suggested a cereal feeding before bed every night. Then after a week, introduce some vegetables one at a time. By 6 months, 1-2 meals a day should be solids. We jumped in pretty quick with Lexi too. I'm not sure I understand people who object to it. I love expanding our world. And maybe it'll help him spit up less and sleep longer.
We confirmed he is starting to grab more, laughs a lot, pushes up on his elbows, and she thought he was already rolling over stomach to back from how easy she got him to do it, but I guess we don't do tummy time enough to really know... He prefers sitting up, which she said it seems he is ready to do.
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