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How to be 37 weeks

There have been a couple of days where the house was perfect. No dirty dishes or floors, no laundry and the beds were made. And I thought, the baby can come today, today would be a good day. He hasn't, but the thought now crosses my mind e.v.e.r.y day. Would today be a good day?

I didn't think I was out to defy gravity, but it seems this kiddo made his way back on up. My ribs and bra are a little too crowded and that whole breathing thing… it's a miracle most of the time humans don't have to worry about that. Yet I still feel really swollen and sore like a head is ready to fall out of my vagina. How long is he really? I mean this whole human being growing inside you thing - straight up crazy. 

Today was my 37 week apt and for the first time I had to wait and for a really long time in a steamy room (it doesn't take much to make me hot), hungry, thirsty & naked. I mean they told me the doctor would be in and I should get undressed, but these fluffy thighs were sweaty and after a little bit of time I was VERY uncomfortable and put my pants back on. Lexi kept trying to take that paper cover away from me. She was great, but only because I let her kidnap my phone and watch Elsa Youtube clips when the day before I banned her from TV because she gets this HUGE attitude every time it's time to move on to something else. Like literally, the world ends. We do not understand the concept of "this is the last show." We can talk about this recent attitude another day.

But back to me and my death apt - they were able to confirm the butt vs the head I even got to see his little head briefly (luckily he is still head first), but mostly I just got a good glimpse of his really long spinal cord. Since she did the cervix check last week with the group b test I was kind of interested in the progress except when she said there was NO PROGRESS. I mean just lie to me, a little. Make this whole naked, spread your legs open experience worth it, but no. And I gained another 2 lbs, which places me 5 pounds shy of where I was with Lexi. Bring on more stretch marks - what's a couple more.

Truth be told, I could use another week at work and it's probably good the boy is plumping up and I still have some time to finalize his name and actually sleep through the night. I wake up several times to roll around (basically I wake up unable to breathe cause I ended up on my back), but I go back to bed quickly. I know I'll miss these 10 hour sleep nights. I'll miss just having to get one child in the car and not needing to haul a diaper bag around. I'll miss no diapers and milk-free boobs. But certainly, the baby outweighs the terror that is about to shock our system. 

My sister-in-law was kind enough to come over to take a few maternity photos (another check off the list). I warned her I was going to be bossy and needy, especially when I had desires, but unsure about what my face and our little apt (with low light UT pollution clouds) would allow. However, she got a couple perfect shots for me. The lighting wasn't helping me look photogenic head on, but I like the b&w "look away" theme that happened instead. Lexi even tried to cooperate with fake laughs and all, but where is Mr Smith? We didn't even ask. I'm saving up points for family photos.


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