I love this photo, it almost leaves me speechless. Story time was over. Singing time was over. Yet he kept rocking her as she fell asleep in his arms. It is hard to move a sleeping toddler, but more than just physically not wanting to wake them up, it is so rare to get these sweet moments with them. She is still forever and always our baby Lexi even though we're trying to encourage big girl status.
We are all very excited to have baby boy make his entrance. My previous posts with Lexi revealed that 35 weeks was my tipping point back then and it still holds true. We're ready at this point even though we know 5 weeks still lie ahead. And even with all the discomforts or annoyances that exist with the last month of pregnancy, more than anything, it's the anxiety from the anticipation. At this point, you feel like a ticking time bomb and you're just ready to meet your child. I'm assuming it was a little different with Lexi; this time the anxiety rests more around seeing Lexi as a big sister, having a boy to change things up, and just seeing how different everything will be with two kids. Are we prepared? What are we missing? are less worries with round 2, but it's funny how they still exist.
I sleep with 3 pillows under my head, one behind my back and the other between my legs. I sleep the best on my right side since that's where the bruised ribs get the best support. Switching sides only make Mr Smith think I'm out to torture him since the groans, and shifting covers are inevitable. However, I wake up feeling awesome. Probably because I don't have to wake up to be somewhere this time. It really is a nice treat. It may not last long as the month ends, so I'll take it. Other annoyances of my bras being too tight, underwear needing to be changed frequently, my back & sides aching as I sit, and just the quick exhaustion that comes after more than an hour of being on my feet - have an end as well. A glorious end, as long as I make it to the hospital in time. 12 minute drive.
<35 weeks>
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