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Sipping Hot Chocolate and Being Brave

I do love this hot chocolate time of year. My favorite thing to do for myself when I was single was get Starbucks mint hot chocolate. If I could fit it in to any date, I tried. Now, the boxed mix works well enough since I can't just sit in a coffee hot spot with my headphones in anymore.  Now the holidays are filled with different pleasures... like watching my toddler get excited about seeing a picture of Santa, talking about the presents under her tree & all her favorite ornaments. Lexi LOVES the snow and no matter how many times I tell her not to put her non-snowboot shoe in the snow, she stomps away.  And did I tell you she is excited to open her presents? 

She is also still very excited about being a big sister. She woke up this morning telling me that when the baby comes out of my belly she will hold it and how the baby can play with his toys (we started getting things out and calling them his). Her idea of sharing is to take it from them and give it back to them for 2 seconds, but she knows she is supposed to share and be nice =)

We've been a bit under the weather the past few days. I'm afraid we both have allergies that plague us constantly, but her nose started running and the third trimester just welcomed me with a slap in the face. Between sinuses that cause their issues (the worst is the cough from the nasal drip) and the indigestion that doesn't let me lay down… sleep has been torture. Plus it seems the baby is up all night in a boxing match - not painful yet, but it's hard to sleep through it nonetheless. At least PTO started and Christmas movies seem like a good excuse.

Back when we had WAY too much energy, we took a trip to the dinosaur & animal museums. It was actually a great day with her because she loves exploring and making friends. She actually played well with a tot half her size going up and down the slide with her, giving hugs and holding hands. Then she found someone just a few months apart and they ran to each other with open arms, ha! I love sweet toddlers. Her mother was just a few weeks from her due date and I felt like we should have been friends. What a shame. We went back to the kids area to play before taking off and I was even more impressed with her ability to join a group of kids and be as bold and brave as she was. She told the other mom "I'm brave" as she geared up to going into the dark tunnel that the other kids were kneeling in front of. All of a sudden she took the leadership roll and encouraged them to go first but once I took a look and told her it wasn't that bad, calling her name from the other side, she was the first to take off! That part of her personality can be a little scary at times, but she does seem to balance caution with bravery every now and then =) Basically dad is her brave side and I am her caution side. But neither one of us call everyone our friend. That's just her.

 We ended the afternoon with treats from the creamery. She picked an ice cream cone, I picked chocolate milk & we brought daddy a fritter. That's the good life.

{28 weeks}


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