It's nice when you can feel the baby often because e.v.e.r.y time I feel him I'm like "oh good. still there." Whereas our other child is now crying my name after 30 minutes of talking to herself instead of sleeping. It's 3 PM and is today the first day my 2 year old won't get a nap? - - those were my quick thoughts from yesterday.
Today, I shall talk about how I hate giving blood. I got the follow-up thyroid check (I only do it when they force me to) to see if my levels have decreased and heaven help me I sure hope they are closer to normal. Although I do not FEEL normal. The last few days have been extremely sluggish! I'm losing my will to be productive again. Thinking of doing things just exhausts me! It's so crazy! So I hope it passes soon. I've only been going into work once a week recently and I would love this trend to keep up. However, it's craft season and I have yet to plan anything out. Happiness to Mr Smith, sadness to me. Thankfully, Lexi did go down for a nap today, which makes working from home doable. And by work I mean the dishes and bathroom have not been touched.
I was thinking about that this morning, what things do I actually accomplish in the day? Are they really worthwhile? Am I being productive? We can validate 20 hours a week of work. Working for me stimulates the mind, develops relationships with individuals outside my normal sphere, and I add to savings which has a positive impact on the stress level of the family. However, it takes time from building other relationships, but mostly my daughter. Our days are limited by what we can accomplish in a morning. Theoretically, this should be fine. I could give her all my attention for a morning, let her nap and provide beneficial self-play activities until dad arrives. Realistically, the morning FLIES by and we're rushing to eat lunch or get home/leave in time, and it feels like TV has consumed too much of our lives. But let's just go back to the exhaustion that has taken over my body. I miss the days where I couldn't sit still. I miss the days of creating things.
Any way, in a normal given day, we watch a morning show or two as I shower or waller in bed a little longer, we eat breakfast, perhaps clean the dishes from the night before, read lots of books, talk about going somewhere, brush teeth, get dressed if we decide we're going somewhere (if we don't decide by 10:30, we're in), we pick one chore, we paint or do a puzzle, we eat snacks and lunch, we do the nap-time routine where she basically puts me to sleep, I work, she sleeps, she watches another show while I finish up work post-nap, I think about dinner, think about when Mr Smith might be home, clean the kitchen if it still hasn't been done, yet not do anything about dinner, we cuddle, read more books and talk about the shows...change our shoes and outfit a few times... we might get out to check the mail, but that's an average day when we stay at home pre-Mr Smith. Once Mr Smith comes in we focus on dinner, the clean-up, probably another show, more books, bath-time, etc... Gym time? Anyone!?!?!
When we do get out during the week it is either to the park, family or a friend's house, grocery store, dollar store, Target, the library story time annnnnd that's about it.
The first HABIT I'm trying to build so that I FEEL better by the end of the day -
1. Make time before Lexi wakes to pray and read a few chapters of the scriptures.
The second habit needs to have something to do with physical exercise. My heart is having issues these days and that's a little much for a 27 year old.
^^From last October, we need to get a 1 year update.
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