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Potty Training Alexis J

I wanted to provide a summary on Lexi's potty training experience (ok the long story for future reference), or should I say the first-time experience of her parents as well - who doesn't like hearing Mr Smith get excited over poop or say the word panties? :). We are very impressed with Lexi and although we were confident she was ready, it's always nice when things go as well as hoped. I think I've mentioned before that half the time (for the last month+) she would bring us her diaper and wipes when she pooped; she was that ready even though we knew her diapers were still a crutch for her and would be if we didn't go cold turkey. That's why I liked the idea of the 3-day method (plus I did NOT want to draw this out for weeks of trial & error; I liked that there was a tried and true method out there in an e-book). There are lots of opinions and even her pediatrician suggested we give pee or poo no attention, we just get her going to the potty regularly. (For her, she liked the added attention, so we tried to remain positive and excited through everything)

So that's how Friday morning, Day 1, began. We got her out of bed and changed her from a diaper into panties. We talked about how we are going to be a big girl from now on and use that potty all the time now. So much so that we were throwing all the extra diapers away! So she helped us toss the last 10 or so diapers into the trash (which later I think Mr Smith hid somewhere because we don't waste money). I then got her to help me with "Lexi's Potty Chart" or the low maintenance sticker page. My initial thoughts detoured some when she didn't pee right away (took about 1.5 hours after she woke). We were loading her up on everything liquid to get the ship rocking. But in the meantime, she got two of the small stickers every time she tried or every time she had dry panties when I checked. I tried to repeat often the statement they suggested for those who like control (Lexi) "Remember to tell mommy when you have to go to the potty" and every now and then I'd ask her if she needed to go or suggested we give it a try and she was eager enough to try even if for a couple seconds. She really loves stickers. 

We had two new toys to distract us from the time, which we played on a tarp (dad's idea). We had a new alphabet puzzle and some play doh and she was so excited by all this new stuff. I was holding out on the movie Stuart Little until she went to the potty for the first time, but after the first three accidents I felt like we just needed a new activity. She basically told me she had to go as she was going and we just didn't make it quick enough and perhaps we could have that second time, but I took my eyes off her for 5 seconds! Good thing she caught on eventually any way. She did well all of her nap and then peed a little when she woke up. 

I think the first time (the 5th incident) we finally made it to the potty because we were already in the bathroom when she mentioned she needed to go (from then on we decided to stay naked on the bottom). We high-fived, hugged, got one of the "big" stickers, 2 m&ms, called dad and I almost cried ;)  The next three times were near the same. She made it each by suggestion or just telling me and we rushed in. She had a couple accidents near bedtime, but for the most part she was on the ball. There were many trips that didn't produce anything, but at least she got it. 

I was exhausted around 8 PM, but with the accidents and us thinking we didn't stop the liquids at 6, we kept her up a little longer especially when dad is a sucker. Around 10 PM (major sucker), she ran to the bathroom on her own and calls out to us when she pooped for the first time. Two big stickers, (no m&ms because heaven forbid it was WAY past bedtime), and lots of praise. What an achievement. Poop. I think the bedtime troubles stemmed over me being too tired to control the situation plus she all of a sudden kept going and going to the bathroom for pee. She likes having her water cup at night so that will be a little battle - how to make her drink up at 6PM and not have any later on. Overall, I felt like Day 1 ended great. I was a little paranoid at night, but she only peed a little and let us know at 8 AM.

She had a couple small accidents the morning of Day 2 but closer to lunch time she was back to telling me and running to the potty. We gave her a little more space the second day since she started to hold it a little better and run to the bathroom on her own consistently, which was nice not having to be so paranoid all the time.  However, I still feel like I can't be far since I want to make sure she gets there quick enough. We still have a lot of trips that lead to nothing, but hopefully those will calm down. We are also still working on getting her used to pulling on and off her bottoms, but she does it. She got through her nap without incident and had a great rest of the evening. Bedtime has become delayed and more challenging since we let her stay up to make sure she has a chance to pee and poop well.

Day 3 came with a decent pee accident a couple hours before she would normally wake. She went back to sleep easily enough, but I'm not sure how we want to handle nighttime yet (it was suggested to wake her an hour before she would normally rise, and then put her back down but I'm not a fan of that). We are taking down the crib railing and did a practice night run to the bathroom for now. If we don't see consistent improvement, then we'll figure out plan B, but I really do NOT want to involve pull-ups. She normally does not pee that much. She was GREAT all of Day 3. She still goes lots without actually going, but does most of it on her own now (our potty stool isn't quite tall enough and she still needs practice getting her bottoms off quick enough). We even had a little 2-3 hour outing without incident. She asked to go potty twice during that time. By golly I think our little girl is a big girl! I'm so incredibly proud of her.

A few other side comments: 
*I think watching the Tiger Daniel episode on using the potty was encouraging. She would sing the songs while running or sitting on the potty. 
*She actually likes to wipe and wash although wiping is tricky for girls isn't it? And she is taking advantage of using soap and washing hands a little too much (play time) so that's tricky too. 
*We have the flushable wipes for poo and when pee drips down the leg, but I didn't realize they were scented so that's a bummer since I think that stuff always ends up causing some sort of reaction. 
*The tarps are helpful although definitely not something I would have thought or cared to do, but perhaps practical, so dads can be handy. We pulled them up by Day 3. 
*I still anticipate accidents happening, especially when she is distracted and as she practices holding it for longer periods, but it was great to see her still call out when she was at the park.


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