More than just a flutter or maybe just a flutter, but either way it's such a fun feeling! To know they're alive and kicking! I don't know if I've been paying enough attention until recently or if the babe is just finally big enough for me to notice that it's something more than gas bubbles. It has been really hard for me to accept that I'm pregnant this time around and I don't know why! Because it's not like I haven't wanted to be. Maybe I'm still in shock that I'm almost half way there to adding another human monkey to my life! Pregnancy, delivery, newborn, toddlerhood . . . the phases that last forever, yet leave in a flash once they come. It's getting more real now that I can't hide the belly and now that I feel him (heard him again at my 16 week apt). I see other people that are ahead of me with multiple kids and I just stop and realize we're on the timeframe perfect for our family.
We talk to Lexi almost every evening about the baby just curious how a 2 year old can interpret what a baby brother or sister means and how it is inside my belly. But it totally makes sense to her! Most of the time it's a baby brother who swims in candy. I really don't eat candy that much, but I think she dreams of treats. She will put her ear up to my belly to listen and she will kiss or pat it, as well as kick and hit it so you know . . . that natural affection of a passionate toddler.
We can add assertive to the list, (which is not something she gets honestly from me as a child, definitely her father) and I don't want to ever push that away. I like that she isn't afraid to go after what she wants, but when a toddler doesn't know best it makes for the eventful "give that toy back" in nursery or "I don't want you to fall" phrases often. I often here a "what?" response often from her, which is totally me. "You're going to get hit by a car is what" which does work. She knows to fear moving cars. And I completely sound like my mother. Just passing the sass along.
She also knows to fear robots and alligators thanks to dad. Oh I have fussed about this for days because e.v.e.r.y day she brings it up. This weird movie Mr Smith watched with her has haunted her and we have conversations over and over about things she remembers (one scene basically). Out of all things she has seen, this sticks? SO BEWARE parents. I'm sure you're brighter than we are. He tried showing her "nice" robots and alligators, but it is imbedded. "Robots, alligators, and monsters" - awesome. She is so cute when she talks about them, but not that cute because I don't like the idea of her being scared when we aren't around. She still sleeps fine so I guess that's good.
The first "new baby" thing we have done is replace the kids dresser (the one I painted the drawers coral). I finally found a larger, white one on ksl and was the first to respond and (thanks to Mr Smith) pick up. I'm so excited to have drawers that function better and just the idea of preparing for more space is exciting. What I really want are some children's wall bookshelves, but I'm wondering if I just need to guilt my dad into helping me when he comes to visit because it isn't working on Mr Smith. In other worldy matters, I added more things to my Amazon wishlist when it comes to thinking of things my kids would want to play with. Yep, being a parent means your material goals become preschool learning and imagination play. I like to watch Lexi play, but I LOVE watching her play without me =)
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