We are going to start the 3-day potty training technique tomorrow. Wish us luck!! I have heard about this for awhile and mentally blocked it out for as long as possible. You're right, I could have kept on going, but I much prefer returning the giant Target pack of diapers and getting this over with while I can. We are well stocked with sugar treats, stickers and a couple prize toys, 20 pairs of underwear, flushable wipes...what else? I'm most concerned that I'm going to die of boredom and exhaustion from following a 2 year old around every second she is awake. And of course I'm worried about having time to get enough snacks in since I'm not supposed to take my eyes off her. I really hope this is one of those things that comes easier than my worst nightmare. My goal is not to take weeks and months just to end up in nightly pull ups. So this will be worth it, right?
Oh crap. I just realized I forgot about the carpet cleaner!! (I'll send Mr Smith since he did so well with picking up the milk and eggs I requested *cough*)
Failure is not an option!!
She is ready. I think she'll do fine once she gets the hang of it. She still only tells me when she needs to go after the fact (and doesn't really care about pee in a diaper), so we'll see how well the first day goes! I think she'll be scared going the first time, but she gets really encouraged by praise and accomplishment of something new and adult-like.
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