Fooled ya still!
I'm 16 weeks now and believe it or not I STILL do NOT have a belly photo. I'm not sure why a picture seems like agony these days, but I do have a story to go along with it this time. We went to the temple on Saturday to do baptisms (which I haven't done since I've been endowed) and boy did we pick the wrong time! (although we didn't pick it, it's just the time that worked out). We got stuck right in the middle of a group of young women. That part is essential to the story because when it was FINALLY my turn to sit in the room with the font (when one leaves, another enters; there are like 7 seated spots for the women), the temple worker told me the young women were squishing on the bench and so I could wait a couple turns because older women like us need a little more space especially with a baby on the way. I'M BARELY SHOWING PEOPLE. Any way, I glared at Mr Smith stating she was bold. We hear of people making such comments, but I swear you're still startled when people are special enough to make them to you. Those white jumpsuits aren't apparently flattering when I'm sitting down. The "poof" is indeed a baby bump. It's no longer inflated air from a day's worth of food, it's pretty permanent.
I'm not sure why I don't like hearing that I look pregnant, but I just hate the "fat phase" of pregnancy. I either want to be big & noticeably pregnant or not show at all. The awkward fat phase that all women know about is just that, awkward and I'm 100% okay with people completely ignoring it. I still don't have much to say about it at this point. We're having a baby in March. Not sure what kind, but hopefully human. How am I doing? - I feel pregnant. Read about it on the blog. And those are the words of a snarky, ungrateful pregnant lady.
Actually, I do feel tons better at this point. I still have energy crashes and some random indigestion / nausea at times, but it's great to be mostly back to normal. I had vertigo 2 nights ago, which made sleeping even more challenging since Mr Smith let Lexi into our room to sleep and I got woken every hour by a jab to the face or rib cage. Needless to say - that's not happening again. No one likes waking up with a headache.
PS - This goes to show you that time doesn't change us; it seems I took some photos with Eric when we were 13 weeks along, but I didn't personally have a belly photo until 18 weeks because I was still barely showing then and my sentiments towards belly photos were still the same. However, I guess I am showing 2 weeks ahead the second time around.
PPS - The official 1 week post the potty training weekend and she hasn't had accidents at night or at nap time for several days now. She still probably has one a day right before bedtime for whatever reason. And the only other time she has accidents is when she is at someone else's house without me. Even if she is on her way to the potty - she apparently just can't hold it enough in those situations, which is difficult because I still need people to watch her when I go to work. It'll just take time there.
PS - This goes to show you that time doesn't change us; it seems I took some photos with Eric when we were 13 weeks along, but I didn't personally have a belly photo until 18 weeks because I was still barely showing then and my sentiments towards belly photos were still the same. However, I guess I am showing 2 weeks ahead the second time around.
PPS - The official 1 week post the potty training weekend and she hasn't had accidents at night or at nap time for several days now. She still probably has one a day right before bedtime for whatever reason. And the only other time she has accidents is when she is at someone else's house without me. Even if she is on her way to the potty - she apparently just can't hold it enough in those situations, which is difficult because I still need people to watch her when I go to work. It'll just take time there.
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