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The Day

Now is the time where I keep waiting for THE DAY to come. That magical day of the second trimester where all of a sudden the uncomfortable pregnant-ness is gone and I actually want to crawl out of my bed and accomplish some things with this time we call life. It comes in small, tiny spurts.

I feel like when I was working full-time with Lexi the nausea was a lot more debilitating. However, I do not remember the stomach discomforts, indigestion, and lack of pure will power that I have experienced this time around. I felt like the sharp round ligament pain (web-md) was coming around way too soon.  My body is all "hey I remember what this is all about; lets get the party started early!" so it had me worried in the beginning. I'm not sure at what pregnancy number you actually remember the facts regarding your previous pregnancy. Our minds suppress so much for obvious reasons. I wouldn't say it's painful, we'll save that for week 41. But pregnancy = uncomfortable for sure.

Beginning mid-July through end of August. I'm not sure where that puts baby, perhaps 7-12 weeks, I've accomplished the following: 

Doubling my dose of thyroid medication to 88 mcg
20 hour work weeks
plus 1 wedding and 4 additional photoshoots
not a single picture of my belly
procrastinating potty training
3rd season of Heart of Dixie. Nothing substantial about that show. 
1st season of Gilmore Girls. For some reason I'm on a mission to watch them all. 
a few pounds of pure sugar syrup in the form of Swedish fish, Mike & Ikes . . . and the like
an average of about every 3 days doing dishes 
There was that one time I washed the sheets
same average 3 when it comes to cooking legit meals
We went to the park like... a small amount of times
We watched a sickening number of Sophia the First episodes. Like I really hate her. 
I've napped like ZERO times because I'm too restless during the day even though completely lethargic.
We picked up painting and Lexi now asks to do it about every other day. 
that one 10 PM bowl of ramen
4 birthdays (but we only sorta celebrated Troy who turned 21)
A weekly grocery trip because I will die without food and I die when I see what Mr Smith brings home as food. Although I am the one who asked for cheese balls this month. 
We still made it to those two work parties and like 3-4 play dates.
We went to "the beach" which is shameful coming from a Floridian. It was mud sand on a reservoir but I felt accomplished and excited for the little one. 
I planned a couple teaching lessons and handed out some thank you cards for my calling. 
I went visiting teaching twice. 

I'm really reaching to make a complete list. I'll leave it at this and let you feel accomplished. All I want to do is roll over and pick out my next snack.

Which have consisted of . . .
Nutella and flat pretzels, popcorn, carrots and ranch, plums, apples, peaches, mandarin oranges, all fruit really, mac n cheese, chips and guac, hot chocolate, smoothies, celery and peanut butter, cancer inducing fake sugar powdered drink, bread . . . just bread, bagels, egg sandwiches, boiled eggs on salad, oatmeal, candy, mints, and such. 

the excessive saliva / water-tastes-like-metal nonsense drives me bananas during this period.

the end. for now. {12 weeks}


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