Just so you know, I'm waiting for 1,600+ photos to download into my blog books. I don't really want to admit that because Mr Smith will use that as leverage to say we have enough photos (absurd!), but I just want to realize that to me that represents a lot of happy memories to remember and moments that were enjoyed. Most of those don't have me in them, which is why Mr Smith needs to realize we can't stop taking pictures. I haven't looked good in a picture in a few years. People wonder what age will be "prime" in heaven and I'm really hoping for like 22.
Any way, life is settling. There are a few home items that keep getting shoved off because they are not critical - such as installing the paper towel holder under the cabinet or cleaning out the laundry room cabinets, the last two boxes of who-knows-what or re-painting the pathetic walls the previous tenants failed at, but I still feel pretty lucky to have found this temporary home. A swamp cooler is the only thing I'm having to get used to and perhaps this interesting neighborhood.
We gave our new-to-the-ward talks, the ones where I just skipped right past any formal introduction and just went straight to the study-your-scriptures doctrine. I just got asked to meet with the Bishop this Sunday so I guess a calling is on the rise.
We joined a gym for the first time! It's actually the Provo rec center. Eric gets half of it paid for as a perk of his employment so we decided to commit and step up our active life style. Mine has been pretty nonexistent for quite some time so it's lovely being able to attend classes. I enjoy a morning Pilates class and I just suck it up and hope Alexis will be ok in daycare. I'm trying to get enthused by evening classes while she sleeps. Mr Smith said he only got it for the racquetball courts, but we have also enjoyed their water areas with Lexi.
Utah is still a weird reality at times, but it's beginning to feel like home. I enjoy my part-time work and although I stress less about who is watching Lexi now, I still worry I'm not doing all I can for her. Am I loving her enough in the day? Am I teaching her enough in the day? I see some moms get super creative and I'd be lucky to have the energy just to re-create their examples. Alexis has officially worried me with the terrible 2s. I'm not sure we will both make it to her 3rd birthday. She just has a ton more energy, strength & mostly attitude. It probably doesn't help that she has been sick the past 2 weeks and I worry now we should have taken her to get checked out, but that's always the debate - is there anything we can really do? I just need to start reading the discipline or "how to communicate with a toddler" books daily, because it's hard to stay focused when sometimes all I want to do is scream. She doesn't scream or even cry for long, but boy can she whine and pitch a fit every 2 seconds! Spoiled and entitled - she thinks. And they get into everything! It's impossible to keep everything out of reach once they learn how to pull up a chair. Her messes as of late have been the ink pen, my makeup & her sunscreen. I do love her to pieces and we swap kisses a million times a day, but it's hard. Have mercy parenting requires patience and a lot of energy over and over again. I know I've said that before. But I'm being constantly reminded.
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