So I already commented on the flights and how well she did for her first airplane ride last month, but I wanted to make sure I posted pictures of said airplane ride.
She loved being at Mrs Amy's house with her kids (who doesn't). She learned about Eggo waffles and princess dresses. In the picture above she had a headlamp on, I think Mr Smith would approve of that although Miss Independent doesn't need help putting it on. The only thing we left was that orange cup, which I knew I didn't have but couldn't find it for the life of me before we left. I think that is pretty good considering how much crap we brought on our trip. Always hard to know what to leave behind!
I was pretty lucky to spend one night with my parents and drop Lexi off. We were nervous about how she would handle the transition and I think that helped, but she adjusts really well I have discovered. Marshall was a saint and drove me the 2 hours back since preggo lady was a ticking time bomb! Plus I was there to get as much Amy time in as I could. I still wish I could bring her and the sushi back to UT. Ok, I'd take Looper Rd too if I could.
I enjoyed a week with this lovely family without my child and one of those days was spent visiting this lovely redneck petting zoo that really impressed me. I wish I had known about it when I lived there. And did I mention I love that couple pictured above? This picture makes me laugh although I don't want to explain.
The grandparents also shared some pictures of their babysitting abilities and I was so happy to know she was being spoiled and well cared for. They went picking strawberries, visiting relatives, feeding farm animals, helping in the kitchen, getting fancy breakfast as well as french fries, etc...
Once Lexi was back it was hard to give Amy all the free time she deserved, but while her oldest was at pre-K, I took the girls to the gymnastics gym for toddler time. Lexi still hasn't figured out the jumping thing yet so it is quite entertaining watching her try, but these kids have so much energy and this is one of the few places where I didn't have to worry about the "mine" fighting. Some of my favorite memories are with all the kids though, traveling with Tay Swift singing in the background. Kids really are the cutest, I just wish I had the patience for all of their moments. I only remember the best moments of other people's kids though. That was probably my only shot at tucking them into bed with bear hugs and story time - they will be so grown next time I see them!
And alas, the best picture of all, which of course was taken in the last hour of our visit per the usual! The struggle is real to find the energy to get mom in the photo, let alone with the photo we actually like so I had to work with what I had and just crop out the forehead veins and weird nose shadows as well as lighten that under eye! It's minimal to the rest of our beauty, but still . . . until we meet again!! (we shall just text every other day)
Also, can we make sure there is a little more sunshine next time?
Also, can we make sure there is a little more sunshine next time?
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