It really is entertaining to see the changes one year later, in the same dress.
It was definitely harder this year to get her to hold still, so none of the angles were perfect and the lighting was off because I was just making sure I got something.
It is absolutely mind blowing to see this mini-me person with an attitude and opinions. It is amazing how much she understands and how much she tries to relate when you speak to her. We are frustrated with her one moment and the next moment I find myself laughing at her cleverness or sweetness. She still plays really well by herself, which mostly consists of pulling all the books off the shelf, dumping all the blocks out, pushing things around the room and basically just making messes. She also enjoys other kids, especially babies and those who can handle her rougher edge (unfortunately not one in the same). I believe most everything at this age is a game to them from playing chase to saying things that get a reaction. She loves giving hugs and kisses still, but she has to be in the mood.
She has definitely built a vocabulary for things like candy, crackers & chips and somehow still has room for that even when she says she is all done with dinner. You won't find that stuff in my house… but right now she gets spoiled. It depends on the day how much she is willing to eat, but it seems that she is consistent with eating beans & rice, eggs & cheese. She drinks mostly water.
Favorite words/phrases are "come on", "daddy no or stop", "where go?", "outside", "woah" & "more please"
She also sings the "clean up" song although those are the only recognizable words. Whether or not she cleans is another question. She loves to dance to any music and her FAVORITE show is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse which she requests every day as she brings you the remote and says "Peeka" but otherwise her attention span is not very long with movies unless we are in the car.
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