I forgot to blog the photos from our afternoon at the park with Savvy and her family. We got some good photos with the fall leaves. You can tell they are much more fashion forward than we are. hipsters vs the gray team. It is nice being closer to family, although arguably living under the same roof for a month is a little too close. Rand & Savvy have been busy trying to close on a home along with doing well in school. Laura & Danny have been busy updating the home they recently purchased; they are both in school too and Danny still works full-time along with it all. Mr Smith has been helping them as well as trying to sort through the UT network. It's always about who you know; he has so much to offer. And I am still trying to figure out what else I can do than just patiently wait. Especially since I suck at being patient. I actually have an interview for a small part-time thing, which is exciting.
The gang also met up at the pumpkin patch for some pictures of the kiddos. If you haven't heard by now, Lexi has become a little bully. She is a tough girl who doesn't care who touches or knocks her down, so one-on-one with other kids, she tends to dominate thinking they should enjoy the same tough-love style that she possesses. Not everyone enjoys being hugged to death, literally, or kissed 5 times in a row. She tends to play with everyone like she does her dad, and let's just say Maren doesn't enjoy being the horse or giving piggy-back rides, understandably. Besides the neck hugs, which are less than ideal, she started biting the last couple of weeks. My shoulder, cheek, toes & hands… and also Maren's hands & toes. And sometimes she'll grab at your cheeks which can be painful too. So what do you do? Telling her no and moving her away seems to make no connection. I still don't believe toddlers are malicious, but they do lack control and test for reactions. So come on expert moms, you tell me how you got through it or why you think your child didn't have a biting phase. Maren enjoys keeping to herself whereas Lexi plays well by herself, but with other kids around, she just likes to be… close.
Although it may not always seem that way, they do have their moments of enjoyable play-time. Most of the time it is outdoors or singing songs, especially ring-around-the-rosy. Sharing toys inside and the pacifier/cup swap just get tiring.
Andrew was a biter and he Eventually stopped haha... I think the last time was when he bit a kid in preschool. Fun times... Being a parent of a biter is hard. Hopefully she never draws blood. He might have once whoops.