#1 My passion, spirituality, love and creativity are spurred from my emotions. When I become negative, self-defeating or worse, pawn my negativity onto you, then you should help me dial back to my happy state. But simply feeling like something isn't right, when I'm unsure or shed a tear, just listen, hold me and tell me you'll be there. Most likely I just need a moment to think. But before that moment, I need to feel it.
#2 This lesson I need to embrace. I need to give up those greener pastures and window shopping. I need to skip down the freaking sidewalk and be okay even when questions are unanswered. I don't need to feel pressured into answering questions. I have today to keep believing, loving and enduring happily.
#3 Exactly. I try to share my story here. I try to share how completely average I am and how I'm okay with whatever comes my way, sometimes shining light onto the dark times. Even when things seem like trials or complacency, I'm confident in my faith and future.
#4 We are in charge of our attitude to any situation. The world owes us nothing. We owe each other everything. If we understood this, we would all get along.
#5 We can't keep saying tomorrow I'll get it right. Tomorrow I'll start being the person I want to be. Our decisions today affect tomorrow. And in many ways, today controls tomorrow and we will never have enough time if we live that way.
#6. This one is for Mr Smith. You don't want me fine.
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