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The Prophet & The Priesthood

I for one am done reading anything regarding ordain women. I'm so over it & don't want to give them one more page view. I feel most want to be over it. However, I don't think we are over it. Because it's only another stepping stone. Enemies of the church have existed and still exist and will ever more exist so long as Satan has influence. Whatever your stance may be regarding Priesthood ordination, I think this media frenzy surrounding Kate and whoever else are fueling their fire. The media loves contention. And Satan loves it. I don't appreciate it. I don't support bullies. I don't support people bashing on either side, but especially when it comes to place shame where it doesn't belong. Especially when those people do it under a mask of self righteousness. The church itself will not be affected by such. But there is still a plea that goes out for the saints to take control of their actions.

Alexis, and hopefully other children, I believe the future is as bright as your faith, but it will be a struggle. An ugly struggle that I hate knowing you will see. I want to be there for your battles, but just so it's recorded where we stand, I make this post.

And I'm quoting someone else because outside of my broad commentary in the previous posts - this is specifically for all groups, currently ordain women or radical feminist groups, who go against (realize it's not about not supporting but those who actually go against) the prophets and apostles, when you stop asking questions and instead create a philosophy of man. The church isn't an institution governed by man. You either believe the prophets are inspired or they are not. And when you try to lead others away under the mask of a good cause? Well, we will call your bluff. And you might just be an apostate.

I quote from President Ezra Taft Benson (1980) - 13th President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a prophet. Read his words here Fourteen Fundamentals in Following the Prophet or at least take the time to read the points I have copied below:

#1 The prophet is the only man who speaks for the Lord in everything.
“For his word ye shall receive, as if from mine own mouth, in all patience and faith.
“For by doing these things the gates of hell shall not prevail against you.” (D&C 21:5-6)

#2 The living prophet is more vital to us than the Standard Works.
Quoted from Brigham Young: "those books do not convey the word of God direct to us now, as do the words of a Prophet or a man bearing the Holy Priesthood in our day and generation."
#3 The living prophet is more important to us than a dead prophet.
#4 The prophet will never lead the Church astray.
#7 The prophet tells us what we need to know, not always what we want to know.

#8 The Prophet is not limited by men’s reasoning.

#11 The two groups who have the greatest difficulty in following the prophet are the proud who are learned and the proud who are rich.

#12 The prophet will not necessarily be popular with the world or the worldly.

#14 The prophet and the presidency—the living prophet and the First Presidency—follow them and be blessed—reject them and suffer.

Some of this may sound blunt; I like that. And it is not to say the scriptures or previous prophets are not important. On the contrary, but we do need to realize what a living prophet means for our day & time. If there is anyone you will follow, let it be him. This talk was quoted in last year's conference.


Just a few more points that are in the words of only another blogger, yet we share a similar sentiment regarding this issue and I prefer just to copy a few of her statements than add more to this crazy mix:

Priesthood Responsibilities Are Designed to Grow Good Men

"The most perfect and yet challenging relationship in all creation is man + woman, whether as family, friends, or companions - how they compliment each other and teach each other and drive each other bananas. I believe it's God's design that we do so. But in the western world, women do everything - and by that I mean we take on a man's roles as well as our own and men are more than happy to let us. There is no true partnership when a woman thinks she can do it all and do it better.

It [the Priesthood] is an equalizing force, not a divisive one."

The Priesthood is Not a Status Symbol

"Sister Sheri Dew said that none of us came to earth to gain our worth, we brought it with us.
Activist, Kate Kelly said that equality in the church can be measured.

Does she mean measured in righteousness, commitment, value, importance? Are we supposed to measure what we give and how much we receive? Personal intent and spiritual progression aren't really things we can weigh against the next person. Is it just power at the heart of this issue? Is it really just 'middle management' that these few women are after? Is it about titles? There are no little brass nameplates in the Kingdom of God. 

Or is it the power to perform ordinances and miracles that they want? Because I'm pretty sure the priesthood is powered by faith and humility...and trust...accepting God's will...stuff like that...

[…] If this was something we needed to be doing right now, we'd already be doing it. Perhaps it's in our future, perhaps not, but it's not in our present and thank...well, thank God for that!"

Same Destination - Same Airline - Different Carry-on Luggage

 "We are here to become something more than what we were - to become like our Godly parents. And darned if we think we know the best way to do that. No, silly little humans! Only God knows how to become like God. So perhaps we should all pay closer attention.

There isn't a single blessing or gift of the priesthood that isn't ours. True, men carry the priesthood. And some women are soooooo bothered by it because we insist we can and should carry everything they do.

But wait a men have everything we have? They may be incredible dads, but they never get to experience anything like motherhood. Never. It is our very powerful, very exclusive responsibility. So exclusive in fact, that not even every woman gets to experience it in this life. And yet every woman gets to utilize and experience the priesthood. If you want to get technical, Motherhood is actually the great inequality."


"My point is that in every deep personal battle, there comes a time when you have to place your trust. Because we don't exist in isolation. I can trust myself in matters that concern only myself. But for something that concerns God's kingdom, I have to be able to trust God. Not because I'm subjugated. But because He has earned it. During all my past adolescent torments and grown up melt-downs, He earned my trust. This isn't some CEO we're talking about, it's GOD.  It's our FATHER. If he says I don't need to hold the priesthood right now, then I know it's the truth. Because I know what He hopes to make of me. And what He hopes to make of me could not. be. any. better.

So why do some people turn from faith to feminism? They don't like the answer we've been given? They don't trust the God who gave it? Is that why they get angry and confused and go to the media? I guess that makes sense. Because the world understands. The world relates.The world knows how it feels to have God tell them no and ask them to follow a better way."

Amen to that! No more shall be said regarding this specific issue from me.


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