I'd like to say life has been crazy busy, but it probably is nothing next to your life and the truth is I just haven't had much energy to blog, or blog how I want . . . But I've received a fever for the second time in one month so that's crap. My energy has just been zapped along with chasing around a needy 1 year old who was/is also sick. And I feel like this is the first time she really was sick. She just slept on me for two days straight. As much as I loved that, I felt awful for her. Who knows what's going on inside that little body!
But all that happened after Grandma & Grandpa Smith were here, thankfully. We enjoyed two wonderful days with them who hadn't seen her since she was 6 weeks old. At least she could show off her new walking skills. I'd like to say she is fully walking, but she still does the Frankenstein and steps back into her spider crawl when she loses confidence or just gets moody. However, she is taking more risks and at least attempts it first. We just aren't running anytime soon. And by that I mean this week, because soon is so relative with children!
Speaking of quick changes, I need to do a Lexi update for this last month.
At 13 months
She still twirls her hair and sleeps on her belly with her hands tucked under.
She likes to sing along and say "hey" or "hi" to everyone with a little wave
She started to clap on purpose. She can climb the orange and blue slide by herself.
Although she has been pointing to things for a few months, no new words.
The biggest change is that she is walking and standing more.
She still throws tantrums mostly when she is tired, but she arches her back and throws herself to the floor, knocking her head into whatever is near. Drama queen.
But seriously with that cute face . . .
She has finally gotten a little more picky with food. She loves fruit and meat but has gotten picky with vegetable textures. I can no longer give her cut up tomatoes or broccoli without her spitting it back out. So now I have to work a little harder to blend her food.
Whether or not it's her favorite or just the favorites of what I have tried, she gets excited about:
Bananas, String Cheese, Strawberries, Blueberries & Grapes
She also likes turkey meat (nitrate free is what I do) + PB on bread
We do the flavored baby oatmeal, baby food jars (veggies) and she downs the pouches (for traveling)
We have stayed juice free. She doesn't gobble up milk so she stays under 2c a day + water
Other snack ideas: applesauce, flat pretzels, cheerios, diced sweet potato, canned green beans, tuna pasta
We also do avocado mixed with plain yogurt when I'm feeling rich.
We also do avocado mixed with plain yogurt when I'm feeling rich.
Her treats are: animal crackers, fig newtons, fruit snacks + bites of daddy's ice cream
I haven't tried whole wheat pancakes yet and she is on and off when it comes to eggs.
I've been surprised to find she won't really eat watermelon or peas.
So those are our ideas. I'd love hearing others. Sometimes I get lazy and don't want to cook vegetables so unless we eat it for dinner, I just try to give her the veggies from the jars. But really it takes a little bit of chopping, steaming and perhaps blending for the picky eaters. Somehow that seems like forever at times.
That just turned into a baby food post.
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