Update photo version (It's what matters to me):
I wish I did something like this for when she was born, but I'll remember that for the next children. I'll do one for every birthday and keep them all together for their scrap book. And now I have something else to offer clients as well.
She sat very still for the doctor. She wouldn't take her eyes off of him. She hated those mean nasty shots, but got over it pretty quickly. She kept pulling off the bandaid.
She sat very still for the doctor. She wouldn't take her eyes off of him. She hated those mean nasty shots, but got over it pretty quickly. She kept pulling off the bandaid.
Percentiles: height 67%, weight 75% and head 93%
Two things I've been meaning to mention #1 this habit she has of twirling her hair when she is tired. It's super cute. She will crawl into my lap, lay her head on my chest and twirl her hair with her fingers. #2 she sticks her tongue out, ever so slightly, when she is thinking hard.
It's also cute that at this stage they play with toy dolls or animals by hugging them and rocking back and forth. And it's fun to watch them put items back in the bucket. It's the little things.
The two main things we are working on are #1 walking without assistance and #2 using specific words to describe things. So far she has really only said book, hey and wuff (for dogs). She repeats night night and duck when she is in the mood. Otherwise, she uses mom for most everything. She really doesn't say dada anymore…
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