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Watching But Not Just Waiting

I bought Organic Soy Milk (it's the only Lactose free milk Aldi had that day) and have been suffering with sub-par cereal the last few days hoping to see if I am in fact reacting to Lactose. Last night my stomach did not turn itself inside out {is this how other lactose intolerant people feel? my mom says I reacted poorly when I was a wee babe but it hasn't affected me since, until the last year or so}. But today, without much thought, I rushed to the fridge and swigged out of the half gallon I bought. I miss it. Don't judge me for drinking it straight. Mr Smith doesn't drink milk. And I like self torture. I hate all wanna-be milks.

But I think lactose is the least of my worries. Anyone else married to a end of the world gloomer doomer? Mr Smith's nighttime whisperings are absolutely nerve wracking. Because it's not that I don't already believe in the scriptures and the prophets, but I have this way of, like most of Americans, color coating the future and giving it vague terms like who knows and it'll all work out. Well except for Hollywood, they seem to be hitting a dead horse with this end of the world destruction and zombies theme. I struggle to keep up with today. Right? Well, we better start keeping up. Just saying.

Once upon a time I thought I worried about Alexis coming home from her first day of school where some girl told her she wasn't pretty enough. Although that would/will probably send me into a rage still, I fear my child may not even be able to attend a public school. Society is getting so outrageous with what is deemed socially acceptable. No one is allowed to draw the line so everything is seen as okay. Or at least it's somehow portrayed that way and no one has the guns guts to put a stop to it. Okay, some people do. The things is, everyone thinks they are right and the argument never ends.

I know I've already been on my silence soapbox, but it was mostly for me again. A wake up call that I can't just idly sit by and enjoy my little world of roses in this small town. I have to do what I can too, even if my sphere of influence is small. So any way, I will stand up for defined marriage being only between man and woman. I will stand up for living a chaste life. I will tell you pornography is evil. I will support being fiscally responsible (living within our means).   I think we have a right to protect our homes, even if that involves certain weapons. I will never support abortions or physical abuse in any fashion (including obesity which is not a disease people!). I might be a republican. But everyone can be loved, should be loved, cared for, encouraged and forgiven. There is a hush that comes when you mention God nowadays. It's sad. He is taken out of the schools, offices, businesses and that was a decision made by someone, some people, it happened. Just like Obama got elected. Have mercy the people chose him (ruling any potential illegal election rigging aside, ha, really I haven't heard of anything but secret combinations exist people). BUT we must live the best we can where we have influence, and always carry God in our hearts and in the manner we behave. There are plenty of crazies on both sides and the goofiest are given the most microphone time.

I believe the inefficient government is starting to take too much control. But is society willing to do any better? I'm not sure who has the power (of course God but he allows us to use our agency and has told us there are consequences, good and bad) - so, shall we do better? Or is it too late for the collective whole?

Mr Smith is watching, but we're not just waiting. And we can't just be out for ourselves, but I think if we don't have our stuff (mentally, spiritually, physically) together, then we can't do our part to help others when the time comes, now can we? I believe in a just and merciful God. He loves every one of us. He knows our hearts. He always wants us to come back. But are we trying?


PS - For any of my nonmember friends that might possibly read this, is there anything you have heard or read that has made you ask, do they really believe this? I would like to answer that question(s) for you. Not like I'm expert, but I'm probably better at answering that than the nonmember. Feel free to email me anytime. I'm sorry if I have seen unapproachable or judgmental in the past; I really didn't mean to. I know many people don't believe the way I do, but we can at least clarify what those things are.

Everything comes down to finding out for yourself where TRUTH really is. It's personal. You have to seek it. And it involves faith and prayer, which can be hard for some. But if we can help each other, I'd love to take part.

Quick Note: Lexi stood up on her own yesterday. It only lasted a second but my oh my they grow up so fast.


  1. I agree with everything you have said, it is nice to be in the deep South where religion is still important to most people,but I have honestly thought about putting my daughter into a Catholic private school. Ha, if only we could afford that:). But I honestly think that the programs for the youth are so amazing in our church,I think anyone would be crazy to not want tier children to participate in all the wonderful programs the church has to offer! The area we live inhas so many children and youth,we definitely feel blessed! If you are trying milk substitutes try almond milk original (silk brand). When I can go back to my real dieti thinki will still have almond milk with my cereal,it is that good and good for you, though I don't know at what age our little Sam will be able to drink any kind of milk......


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