Not us. I wish! (with many nerves tucked under that) I just read quickly through a few news tweets that Ashton & Mila are expecting a baby. They have been dating since 2012.
So then it's okay. Because that's commitment? I keep hearing these sort of things all the time now. Well, I think they may have been recently engaged. So that's a step up over some?
I mean really, since when did it become natural and completely acceptable and almost the new norm to have children before getting married? It's backwards people. And we wonder why the current generation seems sex crazy and immoral. Oh. Maybe that's just me.
I could step on a million toes with blog posts like this, but I'm not sure I care about that this time. And it's not just that they happened to get pregnant - whether or not they were trying - it's that they did because THEY DID something you shouldn't be doing until you're married, because that is when we should be embracing the blessed gift of bringing life into this world. It's a divine, God given gift - this ability. And people just throw it around like it's their right (with some it's just how they dress - others it's how they behave, I understand that there are variations). Sure . . . it's your body, but people just overlook or ignore God completely when it comes to the fact that he gave us the ability and told us to respect it and only use this gift within the bounds of marriage.
So now we have people, children and the likes who do no understand commitment. Women who are too quick to give up on chivalry and abstinence. And men jump in line when it's easier, I guess. Not that they have an excuse. Men definitely have fallen short on their ability to curb their sexual appetites; I'm just saying women do have more of a say when it comes to waiting or jumping the gun. I whole heartedly believe women want more commitment - they want marriage. And I honestly doubt men are as excited about marriage when they don't see the need. But men aren't animals. I wish they would step it up all on their own, but women can do better and be stronger. We're all sexual creatures, but let's understand that greater strength comes from overcoming the natural man and obeying the laws and principles of the gospel.
Fine, you don't believe what I believe. But there is some truth to the purpose of abstinence, wouldn't you agree? I mean it's our generation that started ignoring those purposes. (sure, not everyone was abstinent in the 1950s but society definitely didn't accept it) Was it really silly?
Knowledge is power people. I just don't want women giving in because they worry their significant other will leave them. If he can't respect your body, he should leave. He should be thrown out. You want and need someone stronger. Men need to control themselves. Women and men should control themselves.
And we can stop telling kids sex is bad. But sex before marriage? Explain why and teach them how to be strong. We've all been there in some way or another and regret is common place, unfortunately. Thank goodness for the Atonement because controlling our bodies is not easy. Satan does all he can to help you destroy yours because he doesn't have a body and, therefore, can't enjoy such experiences.
Sigh. End rant. for now. I am in no place to judge. I just want people to care more.
So then it's okay. Because that's commitment? I keep hearing these sort of things all the time now. Well, I think they may have been recently engaged. So that's a step up over some?
I mean really, since when did it become natural and completely acceptable and almost the new norm to have children before getting married? It's backwards people. And we wonder why the current generation seems sex crazy and immoral. Oh. Maybe that's just me.
I could step on a million toes with blog posts like this, but I'm not sure I care about that this time. And it's not just that they happened to get pregnant - whether or not they were trying - it's that they did because THEY DID something you shouldn't be doing until you're married, because that is when we should be embracing the blessed gift of bringing life into this world. It's a divine, God given gift - this ability. And people just throw it around like it's their right (with some it's just how they dress - others it's how they behave, I understand that there are variations). Sure . . . it's your body, but people just overlook or ignore God completely when it comes to the fact that he gave us the ability and told us to respect it and only use this gift within the bounds of marriage.
So now we have people, children and the likes who do no understand commitment. Women who are too quick to give up on chivalry and abstinence. And men jump in line when it's easier, I guess. Not that they have an excuse. Men definitely have fallen short on their ability to curb their sexual appetites; I'm just saying women do have more of a say when it comes to waiting or jumping the gun. I whole heartedly believe women want more commitment - they want marriage. And I honestly doubt men are as excited about marriage when they don't see the need. But men aren't animals. I wish they would step it up all on their own, but women can do better and be stronger. We're all sexual creatures, but let's understand that greater strength comes from overcoming the natural man and obeying the laws and principles of the gospel.
Fine, you don't believe what I believe. But there is some truth to the purpose of abstinence, wouldn't you agree? I mean it's our generation that started ignoring those purposes. (sure, not everyone was abstinent in the 1950s but society definitely didn't accept it) Was it really silly?
Knowledge is power people. I just don't want women giving in because they worry their significant other will leave them. If he can't respect your body, he should leave. He should be thrown out. You want and need someone stronger. Men need to control themselves. Women and men should control themselves.
And we can stop telling kids sex is bad. But sex before marriage? Explain why and teach them how to be strong. We've all been there in some way or another and regret is common place, unfortunately. Thank goodness for the Atonement because controlling our bodies is not easy. Satan does all he can to help you destroy yours because he doesn't have a body and, therefore, can't enjoy such experiences.
Sigh. End rant. for now. I am in no place to judge. I just want people to care more.
PS - interesting video on the subject matter from the Austin Institute of the Study of Family and Culture
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