Well, it happened over a week ago, but nonetheless, we just had our 9 month doctor apt today. If I had paid attention and realized they don't get shots at 9 months, I would have saved my $25 (we only get 4 a year for her under a copay). And my time. Oh well. I could have told the doctor she was developmentally fine. However, Lexi did impress me when she made no sound with the finger prick. It just took ages to get the blood. She wore the bandaid for about 5 minutes.
{enjoy the photoshoot. she didn't dress up for it.}
{enjoy the photoshoot. she didn't dress up for it.}
quick stats
weight 20 lbs 4.5 oz 71%
height 28.5 inches 76%
head 17.75 inches 77%
size 12-18 in clothes (so many things are off season!)
size 3 shoe (if she wears them)
size 3-4 diapers
Physical Development - She is great at feeding herself bite size food. And even that tiny piece of thread off the floor =/. She has developed some eczema issues this winter, but I'm not the most consistent with lotion. You have to distract her during a diaper change because you will hardly find her on her back. She doesn't sit still. She will touch e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. And destroy it. She is still doing the army crawl and just recently started getting on her knees and bouncing again. We're wondering if our wood floors don't help much. So although she will try to climb up, instead of sitting she is laying so it doesn't work well. She has only gone from laying to sitting a couple of times. She will stand well, but doesn't have the balance yet for walking around while holding on. She enjoys walking when we hold her hands. But she looks drunk =)
Mental Development - She knows when we try to hide something. Peekaboo isn't her favorite, but it humors her. She only coherently babbles mama, dada & baba. But she still likes to babble and grunt back and forth with you. She enjoys humming to music and I swear sometimes it's right along with the beat. She likes facial features and will grab your face (what baby doesn't shove their hand in your mouth, awesome right?). We try to teach her "no" when it comes to harsh grabbing or putting trash in her mouth. Forget sign language, she grunts loudly for more food. She still just smiles when you wave or clap. And so far she still doesn't like when daddy folds her arms for prayer. Also, she has attitude.
Preferences - She is still not a picky eater. She prefers to be around people. I'm still her number one comfort. I think the favorite thing for babes her age are emptying out drawers and putting things in her mouth. Reading is a favorite as well. And there are some books that she pays more attention to. She loves to bounce, play chase & be thrown around. She likes to put her fingers through my hair and even plays with her own when she's tired. Sheprefers needs her pacifier to sleep. She sleeps on her stomach. She goes down easy and sometimes wakes up needy, i.e. wants to be held for a period of time before you let her down to play, but she can play well by herself, mostly when I'm in the room. Otherwise she will come find me. And smile at me on the toilet. I'm not sure if she has a favorite toy. She gives sweet kisses.
Preferences - She is still not a picky eater. She prefers to be around people. I'm still her number one comfort. I think the favorite thing for babes her age are emptying out drawers and putting things in her mouth. Reading is a favorite as well. And there are some books that she pays more attention to. She loves to bounce, play chase & be thrown around. She likes to put her fingers through my hair and even plays with her own when she's tired. She
Baby Sleep - t.y.p.i.c.a.l.l.y she is in bed between 7-8PM and stays there until 6AM when I feed her, but doesn't get up until 8AM. Sometimes she is up at 7AM for good. We'd prefer that. She usually still takes 3 naps. Once around 9:30, 1:30 and 4:30 for 1-2 hours. Of course it always varies some and if she is entertained by being out and about, it can push things back and eliminate the third nap and make other naps longer.
She smiles all the time. She is very easy going, especially when around other people. She has only been sick once, and that was a mild cold. We are just so lucky to have a happy, healthy Lexi. We kiss her way too much. It's so hard to get enough of her cute self. I can't believe how much she will be changing in the next few months. Turning ONE? So help me . . .
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