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What Happens Next Part II

So once upon a time I said "the best is yet to come" and then I made you wait & wait, remember? {recall this post} I know, it has been so long and you have moved on. But come back, please continue on. Because what do you think happens next? I don't mean after dinner, or your next vacation or after you get married, have children, etc… but once we physically die?

disclaimer {I hesitate to even act like this is a full summation. It is not. There is so much more that can be discussed. this is me summing it up the best way I could.}

I want to talk just a little more about physical death, where our physical bodies are separated from our spirits. All mankind will be redeemed from physical death. When our mortal/physical body dies, our spirit continues to live (but they will be reunited again). The Second Coming has not occurred yet. Some people refer to it as the rapture or "end of the world." Due to the fact that we're still waiting for the Second Coming of our Savior, there is a temporary place called "the spirit world" {named for obvious reasons I think…} for those who pass on.

In the Spirit world, there is a divide. The righteous spirits {who accepted & lived the ordinances of the gospel} are received into a state of happiness/peace/rest called "paradise." Then there is a place called "spirit prison" which sounds harsher… but it's not the prison we're used to. It is reserved for those who died in their sins, without a knowledge of the truth, or in transgression, rejecting the prophets etc… The spirits in prison are taught essential principles of the gospel and are given the opportunity to accept it. If they accept the principles, repent & then also accept the ordinances performed in the temple on their behalf, they are welcomed into paradise. Because of the Resurrection, physical death is only temporary. Going back to what I said in the beginning… one day we will all be united with our perfected bodies. Apparently it won't happen all at once though.

Spiritual Death is a separation from God. We are all currently spiritually dead. Christ's Atonement can redeem us from Spiritual Death BUT (and this is a big but) only when we exercise faith, repent & are obedient will we be redeemed/saved. Further spiritual death comes from our disobedience (not just our physical separation). So when Christ comes again, we will be judged (by His truth & holiness) according to our desires/actions/choices here on earth.

We are in a state of learning perfection. But if we exercise faith (more than just declaring we believe) and we actually pray & study to seek answers - it will change us. If we repent of our sins (more than just saying I'm sorry) and we actually seek to make amends & remove ourselves from wrongdoings - it will change us. If we are obedient to the principles of the gospel (more than just the ones we pick & choose) and we try a little harder every day to be a better person - it will change us.  And that change is perfection; it's a process to become more like Him. Getting baptized is just the beginning. There are many great principles & ordinances to His gospel. And the more we walk by faith, repentance & obedience, the more blessings we receive in return here in this life & in the one to come. Because nothing is greater than eternal celestial glory. 

And that's where we go from just salvation to exaltation. Because you see, although salvation is great, exaltation is greater. I think I should have just skipped to this part. 

To gain exhalation is to gain the highest level of happiness or glory in the celestial realm. I know that is a new term. We believe in degrees of glory when it comes to heaven… there is more than just salvation. Even those who do not fully accept the gospel still experience some form of glory - and aren't just damned to hell like many believe. Read more here about them if you're interested. BUT TO SUM IT ALL UP (I know this is A LOT to take in and I didn't even talk about the Millennium which is the period of 1,000 years following the Second Coming, which precedes Final Judgement) I just want to make sure I leave on this note:

Christ's Atonement & Resurrection allows us to overcome physical & spiritual death. Salvation from physical death is a gift to all. Salvation from sin, however, is conditional. And exaltation involves even more ordinances and, therefore, even greater blessings. This gospel is directed to a life that allows us to live eternally in the presence of Heavenly Father & as eternal families. And that is why I love it & seek every day to be worthy of it. We will all be given the chance.

Maybe this diagram will help organize my thoughts above?


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